Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Of coughs and cats...

So Keegan has another cold which sucks. Mainly it sucks because he wakes up at night coughing and then starts crying. Basically he is awake a good portion of the night. On Sunday night I finally brought him into our bed because if Keegan coughs and you pat his back right away, then he goes back to sleep and doesn't cry. So he finally slept for an hour or so. Then at 5am Jubei (our brainless wonder of a cat) hops across the bed hitting Lyle in the stomach, Keegan on the back, and me in the stomach. Jubei takes off out of the room. Lyle and I go "oofff" from the impact on our stomach. Keegan starts going making these "uh, uh" noises like he can't catch his breath. So I pick Keegan up quickly and he is making noises like he got the wind knocked out of him. He can't cry he is just gasping. A couple seconds later Keegan's caught his breath and is screaming. Meanwhile when I picked Keegan up I saw blood running down his face by his eye.

So now I am freaking out. Thinking "oh my god what's happened to our baby". Lyle and I run Keegan into the bathroom and find that apparently Jubei's back foot caught Keegan by the eye when Jubei bounded off of him. Keegan's got a scratch on his eyelid, a scratch right below his eye, a puncture wound by his eye; the remaining claws left scratches on his forehead. We wipe his face off with a hot washcloth. I am not sure why the bedroom door wasn't shut. It's always shut when Keegan is in the bedroom so that the cats aren't in there. I guess Lyle and I were just too tired to remember to shut it.

So Keegan has a bad cough, a fever, possibly an ear infection (he had been tugging at his ears), a black eye, and scratches on his face. Great, just great. I can't take Keegan to daycare with a fever so I call into work to say I'll be staying home with him. Then I call in to daycare to let them know he's sick. Then I call the doctor to let them know I need to bring Keegan in.

We get to the doctor's at 9:00am. Keegan is throughly inspected and listened too. Keegan does his best to assist the doctor as she tries to look into his ears and mouth by grabbing Dr. Kuku's hands and trying to guide them into his mouth. He is fine; he just had *another* bad cold. We need to put Neosporin on his scratches twice a day and watch for infection. Boy, the excitement of it all. The rest of the day went pretty well. It was nice to be home with Keegan and take care of him. When he is sick he makes me feel so needed. He just wants mommy to hold him and make him feel better; I can do the holding part. Not much I can do about the cough though.

Today Keegan is at my moms and hopefully he is being good for her.

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