Friday, July 20, 2007

Toys, Portraits, and an IUD

How are the above three related? Well probably not all that much except for the fact that I was thinking about them at the same time.

Quick mini-update...I did end up getting the Mirena IUD put in. Maybe TMI for you all but my doctor encouraged me to spread the work about how simple and painless the procedure was. It literally took 5 minutes and no pain. Best part was I got to throw away all the birth control pills when I got home; don't have to worry about any of that for the next 5 years. Unless Lyle and I decide we want to have another kid; then I can have the IUD removed.

Okay now about the other headline topics. In the baby book I have it wants to know what Keegan's favorite toys are.... Up to this point he has pretty much grappled all toys will equal enthusiasm. Over the last week or so he has begun to show very strong preferences for a couple of toys. One of his favorites is this plastic Fisher Price Driving Gym. It can be positioned up in the air so that he can play with it laying down or it can be placed down so that he can face it while sitting. Well, he has started playing with it in the sitting position and he loves it. He loves it so much that when comes home from daycare the first thing he does is look into the Sunroom. If you walk him into the Sunroom he immediately starts trying to reach for it from your arms and makes a lot of noise. When you sit him in front of it he gets this big grin on his face and giggles while he plays with it. When you hit the gym or turn the knobs it plays music, lights flash, and a reel with pictures spins around. He has found out that if he pushes on the reel with his hand he can stop it from spinning and make the gears grind. No doubt he will eventually break it; but the noise of the gears grinding (and the fact that *he* has the power to stop it) gives him and unequaled joy!
Taking him away from this toy any sooner than a good 20 minutes results in much upset on his part. It's just weird.

He has a couple other favorites too. There's a manhatten toy that is a wood toy with balls and sticks joined with elastic into a polyhedron type of shape (looks like a complex chemical model). He loves this toy; he spends hours trying to pull it apart and stick it in his mouth. Then there is the "Buzz 'n Bites" a bee with four wings of different hard rubbery textures. One of the wings buzzes when you pull it back; he loves chewing on this and spends hours trying to figure out how it buzzes. Lastly would probably have to be his bug. It's a big Lamaze brand bug with black and white polka dots on its tummy, crinkly wings and a multitude of toys hanging off of its many legs. Keegan picked out bug himself. I chose four toys at Babies R Us and let Keegan pick his favorite; he immediately chose the bug.

As mentioned with the Fisher Price gym he has started showing preference for toys and anger/disappointment when they are taken away. We used to just be able to take the toy away from him plop him in his carseat and then give the toy back. No longer is that the case. He occasionally gets quit upset and fussy when you take his toy....poor little boyo. He has also been learning "no". He started grabbing and pulling hair. This was cute for about a week; then Lyle and I feared we would begin to have bald spots on our heads. So now when he grabs our hair we say "No, Keegan" and he usually loosens his grip some.

Okay last topic is portraits. Lyle and I decided we would do his first portrait sitting at 6 months. A lot of our friends have been doing every 3 months. We just decided that with all of the pictures we take of him at home it wasn't necessary to do them that often. I have absolutely no experience with taking a baby in for portraits. I called up JC Pennys and told them we would like to make an appointment for portriats for our 6 month old. It was an interesting conversation; which has been loosely dictated below. JC represents the JC pennys lady.

JC: "When would you like to come in?"
Karissa: "Maybe this weekend?"
JC: silence...struggles not to laugh.."Umm...we are booked all this weekend and next weekend. What about a week day?"
Karissa: "Okay what about Monday afternoon around 3 or 4pm?"
JC: "Well do you want 3 or 4pm?"
Karissa: "What's open?"
JC: "Both"
Karissa: "Okay, uh, 4pm" (As I struggle to figure out when we will get our 3-5pm nap in so Keegan isn't a crab butt)
JC: "Will it just be Keegan in the pictures"
JC: "Okay, well you had better dress for the pictures too. Sometimes the parents end up in them."
Karissa: "OK"
JC: "What exactly will Keegan be wearing?"
Karissa: "Cloths? Maybe a couple outfits?"
JC: "We recommend only solid colors. Only bring multiple outfits if you think he will tolerate changing. So what will he be wearing?"
Karissa: "A solid button down shirt and jeans. And another outfit." (Thinking how the $%^*$ do I know what the kid will be wearing. It depends if he pukes on himself on the way over there.)
JC: "Okay then how do you want him posed?"
Karissa: "Okay I haven't done this before so whatever poses the photographer recommends."
JC: "Well you should think about that. What props are you planning on using?"
Karissa: "I don't know. Maybe a stuffed animal or toy of something."
JC: "Well try and figure that out. Remember to bring along a number of comfort items."
Karissa: "Okay we will."
JC: "The comfort items should be preferably in decent shape in case they end up in the picture."
Karissa: "OK"
JC: "Plan on the the session taking an hour and a half. You will be buying all the pictures immediately after the sitting. Are there any other questions?"
Karissa: "No, okay we will be there on Monday at 4pm with comfort items, some props, and a couple outifts."
JC: "Correct."

I hang up baffled. I feel a bit like a bad mom here. Was I supposed to have every pose, outfit, and prop planned before the call for the appointment? I mean I really didn't think it was that big of a deal. If we don't like the pictures we'll learn from that and get them redone later. Now I am struggling with what he should wear. I was planning on this cute little plaid button down shirt and his oversized jean shorts. That's not solid though; I feel an emergency solid button down baby shirt shopping trip coming up. In fact I am not sure he owns anything that *is* solid. Maybe a t-shirt or two. Ah, who realized there is a whole other realm of stress to be had in taking the baby for pictures. Now I am struggling to figure how we will make sure he is happy, well-rested and fed for a 2-3 hr period on Monday. This will be after playing at daycare all day and right after we get off of work, when, he is generally exhausted and crabby. Since he goes to bed at 7pm we couldn't do it a whole lot later. Then I guess there are comfort items and props to decide on. Do they have to match his clothes??? Will they clash with the backgrounds?? Ahh, it baffles the mind to consider it. My head hurts...on that note I will close this entry.

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