Thursday, July 26, 2007

The joys of water

Last week we moved Keegan to the big bath tub. He has grown too long to fit in his Fisher Price baby bath tub. So we used the new bathtub in the basement. I got him a little foam pad to sit on so he doesn't tip over and some little floating duckies that have toys on them for him to play with. For the first bath Lyle was out mowing the lawn. Keegan loved the duckies and kept trying to lunge for them and tipping over. They are kind of slipperly so when he finally grabebd a duckie and held it to his chest it would pop out of his grasp and back into the tub.

Keegan has also discovered the joy of splashing. If he is lying on his back he'll get this funny grin on his face and then start splashing his feet up and down to beat the band. This is very cute and funny but mommy ends up very wet and so does the rest of the bathroom. Last week during his bath I had forgotten a towel. So I laid him on his back with his head up on the foam thing and turned around to grab a towel from the cabinet. As I turned around I heard a big flop, splash noise. Keegan had flipped himself over in the tub in the blink of an eye and was sputtering as he struggled to keep his face out of the water. I swooped down and grabbed him plopping his on his butt. He looked at me and coughed a little with water running down his face and then gave me a huge smile and started splashing again. Apparently his close encounter with water inhalation didn't phase him in the least; my heart was beating pretty rapidly though :-)

Lyle and I were bathing Keegan last night and Keegan flopped himself over again. He does it so fast! One second he's on his back giggling and splashing and then the next second he's flipped over trying to drown himself. Well at least he has fun... He also loves the shower curtain and is determined to pull it down on top of himself one of these days. I am glad he loves his baths so much. Hopefully he will still love taking a bath when he is older.

Tonight Keegan is staying with my parents while Lyle and I go out to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. That should be fun; we've been dying to see this movie but didn't really want to drag Keegan along with us. Anyway, okay back to work for me!

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