Tuesday, July 24, 2007

6 month portraits

So yesterday we did Keegan's 6 month portraits. I was pretty nervous about everything turning out okay; but everything went great!

It was a bit stressful because we had to be at JC Penny Portrait Studio by 4pm. I left work around 2:30pm thinking I would pick up Keegan by 3pm and be home shortly after that. Alas it was not to be. The construction on 694/35E had prompted yet a new arrangement of these two major freeways (they change the configuration of the roads almost weekly it seems). 694 was backed up quit a ways. When I finally got through that mess I trucked on over to the daycare; getting there by 3:15pm. In a panic I called Lyle and instructed him to put some socks, a couple more toys, and Keegan's dragon shoes into the diaper bag just in case we needed them for pictures. I hopped on 242 east of hwy 65 to go home (usually a 3 minute drive) only to find out that 242 was down to one lane for construction with multiple stop signs added. It was pretty backed up; but what sucked is that it was majorly backed up the other direction which was the direction we were going to drive for pictures. Finally got home around 3:30pm. Keegan got a quick change of cloths while I ran to the bathroom and then off we went. Luckily Keegan was an angel about the whole cloths changing thing. Lyle had asked daycare to put Keegan down for a nap at 2pm so that he was well rested when I picked him up at 3. Daycare did exactly as we asked and Keegan obliged them by quickly falling to sleep and taking a nap. We were supposed to get to JC Penny by 3:45pm.

So we took back roads and ended up getting there by 3:55pm. We waited a couple minutes and then went in for pictures. There really isn't much to say about the pictures. Keegan was awesome. We plopped him down on his little bottom and he smiled like a champ for the camera. Then Keegan laid on his back and grabbed his little toes for the camera and smiled (he had a bit of help with this one). Usually Keegan only grabs his toes when he is bored and he was way too curious about everything so Lyle and I handed him his toes to grab. Then the photographer flipped him onto his stomach (which he usually hates) and he held him self way up and gave her a huge smile. Last pose was to have him stand with Lyle holding one hand and me holding the other. Again, little Kee smiled big at the camera, then looked up towards me and smiled, and then looked at Lyle and smiled. Keegan did perfect; there was absolutely no reason for me to be worried about him.

The hardest part was having to pick the pictures out right there. All of them were so cute and it was so hard to decide which ones to get. We got a large package so I think we may have way too many pictures! I am sure we'll find something to do with them though. I found out after the fact that we won't be able to get a CD of all the pictures :-( That's something that Sears does but JC Penny doesn't do. JC Penny will send me a link to all the pictures online which I can in turn forward to everyone. I will probably also post the link up here for people to see.

So all went well with pictures and I can breathe a sigh of relief until the next set.

Keegan had a cold on Saturday but it must have been a little one because he seemed much better yesterday. Unfortunately now Lyle has the evil cold; so he was under the weather yesterday. We've been super busy so that hasn't helped with the cold. On Friday night we had a Harry Potter release party that went from 5-11pm. Saturday morning was Dnd and then we went to Rosedale Mall with my parents that afternoon to hunt down a cute outfit for Keegan's pictures. Saturday night we played card games etc. over at my parents house until 11pm. Then Sunday morning we got up early and dropped off Keegan at my parents house around 9pm. We headed up to Hinkley and spent a few hours at the casino. Then we drove to Sandstone, MN for a tour of the Wild Cat Sanctuary. We sponsered a black jaguar there named Diablo Guapo and as his sponsers we got a 1.5-2 hr tour of the area. It's not normally open to the public so it was a privledge to be able to go see all of the cats; Keegan wasn't allowed to attend because the cats have a tendency to stalk babies and are upset by the loud crying. It was very awesome. Unfortunately we didn't get back until 6pm, we took a nap, and then picked up Keegan around 7pm. Then Lyle had hockey and didn't get home until 11pm or so. Then to bed and up at 5am the next morning for work. I needed to go back to work for a break :-) Things don't promise to slow down any time soon...

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