Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me :-)

Well today I am 29. I am not 30 yet but I am getting very close and that makes me feel a bit old. Keegan gave me a wonderful birthday present this morning; he slept in. In fact he was still sleeping when I left. I wanted to give him a hug or kiss or something before I left but didn't want to wake him.

I brought in an assortment of donuts and juice for people at work today. People seem to appreciate it and there have been lots of Happy Birthday wishes coming my way.

I am not sure what to talk about in this blog. Basically I have about 20 minutes to kill before I need to take off for my doctor's appt.

I guess I could talk briefly about that. I have a doctor's appt today with my gyno. I haven't been very happy with the new birth control that she put me on. It's a new pill called Yaz and it doesn't agree with me. I am going in to discuss a couple alternates. I am looking at either an IUD or this new device that they put in your arm that delivers hormones for 3 yrs. I am most interested in the second but it is pretty new so there aren't many doctors that know how to implant it. The IUD is iffy because people either seem to love them or have a lot of issues with them. The newest IUD Mirena; eliminates your period in 80% of people. That would be nice.

Anyway, I will have to see how it goes. It should be interesting. Then after that time to celebrate my birthday with a nice dinner out and presents and cake!

Hope everyone is having a good day!

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