Monday, November 05, 2007

Videos uploaded & halloween party

Thanks for all the people who came over on Saturday for the annual Halloween party we like to throw... well mostly like ;). Anyway it was fun, and the pictures were put up yesterday by Karissa (who does a fabulous job of keeping the pictures up to date on picasaweb!).

Aside from that there are now some videos of Keegan posed on picasaweb. Here is a direct link to the videos. But you better hope you have at least two hours to get through them all. Since I have been delaying putting them up, we now have a fair amount of video. They all had to be reduced in size as well to actually fit into a size that picasaweb will accept. So sorry for the poor resolution! If you let us know we can try and make you a DVD of them, but I haven't quite got all that down yet.

Well hope you all had a good weekend, I just wanted to make sure people knew there was some new content to waste more time :)

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