Monday, November 19, 2007

Let's Dance...

Since a number of people were amused with the details of Keegan's artistic additions to the world I thought I could provide an update in another fine art area Keegan is skilled in. Our impresario Keegan, in addition to improving the selection of the world's art, is also big into the fine art of dance. Keegan has been performing four new types of artistic dance. While these types of dance are of various quality; all of them are unique in our household.

The first dance is the least graceful of the dances. In this dance Keegan remains on hands and knees on the ground and rocks back and forth in time to the music. Usually he keeps his head down, as to concentrate on keeping his rocking movement in exact beat with the music. Keegan performs this dance when he is caught up quickly by the music and unable to assume a position more apt to dancing. For instance crawling across the floor he suddenly hears the thumping beat of a Weird Al tune and he is taken by the sudden urge to dance *now*! There is no time to sit up or stand up; so he must improvise as he best can and dance on all fours.

Dance number two is Keegan's version of head banging. I guess you would call it more of a horizontal head banging rather than the vertical head banging that left so many necks aching in the early 90's. This "dance" has no rythem at all, but rather is a spontaneous expression of movement that can accompany external music and speech. This rather spastic head jerking is sometimes followed by a small grin and a giggle as Keegan reveals in his own creative genius. Usually this form of dancing is brought on by someone signing to him, talking to him, or by someone showing him a more subtle version of this move. This dance has the side effect of leaving Keegan slightly dizzy and causing him to crawl and walk crooked for a bit; especially after a very vigorous dance session. It is a type of dance that Keegan developed a few months ago and then forsook as he couldn't do this dance while learning to crawl/walk. Now that the crawling and walking skills are more developed he is returning to this dance with a vigor.

Dance number three is the most versatile dance. I can think of no other way to describe than as Keegan's Groove. The Keegan Grove involves bopping your head, shoulders, and whole upper body back and forth to the music. The movement is minimal, as to convey total coolness, but it is very important to keep the beat of the music. It requires complete concentration. This dance is versatile because it can be performed both standing up and sitting down. The dance is at odds with the music that provokes it. Generally it is a romping rendition of "pop goes the weasel" or "mary had a little lamb" that is blaring from the plastic speakers of various child-like toys. Keegan's choice of this cool, groovy dance movement paired with the simplistic chiming of his musical toys makes the dance all the more groovy and contrasting.

The last dance we are uncertain how to label. It appears to be a creative movement, but it may point more to Keegan's acting skills than his dancing ability. This movement is in general provoked by inanimate objects. The objects used are not always the same. The objects can be of toy in nature or of food in nature. What we have observed is that Keegan must have one object in each hand. This move requires Keegan's total concentration; he does not often perform it when people are talking to him. Upon grasping one object in each hand, Keegan fixes his face in an expression of utmost seriousness and thrusts his hands toward the sky. We haven't figured out yet if this is a form of modern dance or possibly a pose of worship to the gods of crackers and toys. If Keegan is able to hold the pose long enough without interruption then the chanting ensues. Usually he holds his face up to the sky and chants a long series of screeching "DADADADADADADADADAs". This dance is probably the most amusing to his audience since it is mysterious in origin and grabs the audiences attention the quickest.

Hopefully over time we will be able to get a video of each of his dances to save for the future generations to observe.

1 comment:

Sistertex said...

I do believe dance #2 is his 'Stevie Wonder' impression, sans the dark shades. Slip some dark shades on him and you are bound to see the resemblence.