Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Happy days are here again!

You might think I am talking about springtime, and it's true that that's just around the corner, but I am really talking about having my happy-to-be-at-daycare baby back. Last week we were still going through Keegan throwing fits when we left him at daycare. Then when we picked him up there would be comments about how he was grouchy and "just not himself." Well finally this week that has stopped.

When I dropped Keegan off at daycare yesterday he immediately busied himself with digging through the toy basket. He pulled out a ball and brought it too me. We played with the ball for a couple minutes. Then his teacher came in and asked Keegan if he wanted to come help with the laundry. Keegan smiled and let teacher pick him up and off they went. I was like "Umm...okay, bye then." When I went to pick him up from daycare I was greeted by numerous people stopping me on the way to Keegan's classroom to tell me what a happy boy he was all day. I went in to get him and he was studiously organizing the toys in the toy basket. When I said "Hi Keegan" he looked up and smiled and then went right back to "work". Ends up his work was to find his favorite ball and then run over and give it to me. He was so proud of himself. No tears, no screaming. As we left he smiled and waved bye to everyone. It was very refreshing.

This morning when Lyle dropped Keegan off; Keegan's teacher came over and tickled him and he was giggling up a storm when Lyle left. It is such a relief to have the "wonderful and happy" child at daycare. I didn't really like my stint as "that mom with the crabby kid". It wasn't fun to come in and have the lady at the front desk sigh and say "Oh, it's Keegan. I hope he's happier today."

On another note; Keegan and I have our first day off together this Friday. It is supposed to be in the upper 50's and sunny. We will have to find something really fun to do outside. I am determined to spend the day doing more than just grocery shopping and the wash!

Speaking of fun....Keegan has a new activity that he just loves. He accidentally dropped a ball from his ball pit over the railing to the basement. Well...the cats all got up and chased the ball down the stairs. So now this is a new game for Keegan. He throws a ball downstairs and the cats chase it. It is something that occupies him for 30 minutes or so. I guess it is good exercise for him and for the cats. Unfortunately though someone needs to go down and pick up the balls afterwards. I convinced Keegan to spend some time putting the balls into a bag I had so that we could put them back into the ball pit. Unfortunately, that didn't last very long and I ended up crawling around the basement collecting balls.

The other thing Keegan has figured out is how to drag his step stool around places. The other night I turned around and he was standing on the coffee table. It was so funny, he was so proud of himself. Thank goodness he has learned how to get down from places. He no longer walks off of the edge but bends down and swings his feet over. It's fun to see him learn new things; even if they aren't always good things!

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