Monday, March 31, 2008

Jumping and Diving

It was a very, very busy weekend this weekend. We had a lot of fun and Keegan got to try some new things. On Saturday we had a birthday party for my ex-coworker's son at Club Just Jump. It's a place where there are a whole bunch of inflatable play things. There is a classic giant inflatable jumping area. There were two inflatable mazes with climbing walls and slides. There was also a giant inflatable slide. It was awesome. I had a great time. Keegan had a really good time too, and so did Lyle. It was a great place for Keegan to play because if he fell down he just bounced around a bit. He loved the slides (so did I) and he loved the big jumping area. The whole time we were there Keegan was a man on a mission; he had so many things he had to get done :-) There were a lot of comments about how cute he was and how determined and observant he was for his age. It's always nice for people to tell you your kid is cute! We met a lot of people there and I got to see a lot of my coworkers who have moved to 3M. It was super fun. Sunday morning Lyle and I were both kind of sore. Too much throwing our aging bodies around on those toys!

On Sunday morning we got up and cleaned the house and got ready for people to come over to play games. Keegan was really good all morning and amused himself in his new pop-up ball pit that I put up in the living room. Keegan also spent a lot of time "reading" books. We played games until noon and then as everyone left we hurried up to eat lunch and headed to Keegan's first swimming lesson.

Lyle took Keegan in the pool and I took pictures. Keegan was a little concerned about the whole thing but didn't get upset. He had his "Blue Steel" face on most of the time. Anyone who has seen the movie Zoolander knows what I am talking about; yep, he looks just like that. Keegan's Blue Steel look means he is concentrating and taking in information but that he's not entirely sure he likes what's going on. Me, my mom, and my dad all watched from the sidelines and clapped for Keegan and the other babies when they got dunked or blew bubbles or whatever. I have to say that you can always tell where the "Tots 1" class is being held. There are lots of parents with cameras and lots of clapping for the babies. Babies love clapping and all that clapping made them pretty happy; Keegan even cracked some smiles. Keegan was by far the youngest one there. Most of the kids were over two. It was a little difficult for him because they were doing the hokey pokey and he doesn't really know left/right foot etc. yet.

It went well though. After that we went home and took a long walk around the lakes (3-4 miles) while Keegan chilled in the stroller. Then it was back home and time to make dinner. We sat down for a quick dinner and then I took Keegan down for a bath while Lyle got ready for hockey. Lyle had an early hockey game and Keegan and I were going to watch him play. We drove separately because Keegan was super tired and I was worried we might have a melt down. Keegan did really good. We sat right by the glass and watched up close for a bit. Keegan sat really nice on my lap and took everything in for about 10-15 minutes. Then he wanted to boogie.

We walked the bleachers and Keegan found some cheerios on the ground; he tried to eat them so I relocated us to a new area. Then Keegan found some popcorn. I relocated us again to a big area of concrete that overlooks the rink. He ran around there for a while. Then my parents showed up and Keegan wanted gpa to hold him. Then Keegan wanted down and spent a lot of timing standing up on the bar of the railing holding onto the rails and watching the game. It was such a Keegan thing to do. Anyway, in an hour the game was over (Lyle's team won 6-3). Of course a big fight had to break out at the end (which Lyle was not involved in); so we left and went home. At home we did the normal routine of bottle, jammies, and bedtime. I've been reading chapters of the Edgar and Ellen series to Keegan while he drinks his bottle. The chapters are short and funny and there are some pictures.

Keegan went to sleep and I went downstairs to work on the castle/dragon mural in Keegan's soon to be bedroom. That was pretty much it for the day. It was busy but lots of fun.

Now it is snowing outside and that is really a bummer. It looks like it's supposed to go into (and stay in!) the 50's later this week. We are really looking forward to that! We also moved Keegan's slide/fort thing outside yesterday. Hoping that it will soon be warm enough to go sliding outside!

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