Thursday, March 13, 2008

Strange Red Asian Statue on the Doorstep

The last couple days we have noticed something red by the steps leading to our front door. Last night we went to see what it was; thinking it was trash or something of the neighbors that had blown over.

Well it was neither. It was a little bright red Asian statue of a little girl in a kimono. We looked at each other puzzled wondering where it had come from. The next part reveals maybe a little too much of my and Lyle's personalities. I said "Wow, that's creepy. I wonder where it came from. Maybe someone is trying to hex us." Lyle said, "Cool, someone probably put it there to bring us good luck." Hence why we work well as a couple. Lyle assumes the best and I assume the worst.

I went online when we got in the house and looked to see if little red statues symbolize anything; I didn't really find anything. So, I decided to send a note out to our friends and see if anyone had left a little statue on our doorstep. I know, I know, it was a weird question but I figured people would get a kick out of it. I know I got a kick out of some of the replies; it was interesting to see people's response to such a odd random question. No names have been included; but some of the replies I got are quoted below:

"I have no Asians currently working for me, neither real or ceramic."

"Sorry, We did not leave a doll on your patio. Does it seem to be Japanese? A red kimono doesn't symbolize anything bad from what I am aware of. Red is the traditional color of bridal dresses, and is frequently represented in the media as a symbolic color for married women. The color is associated with sexuality in marriage relationships through its connection to heat and fertility. It is also the color of wealth, beauty, and the goddess Lakshmi."

"I'd take it as a sign of good luck! *laughing historically* When did said statue appear on your patio?"

"Why is it that whenever something weird and unusual happens, I'm one of
the first to be accused of knowing something? First the numerous
people at work (admittedly they had reason to be suspicious), now you?!"

"I didn't do it, but I wish I would have :-)"

"I demand pictures"

"Wasn't us, but it sounds pretty funny! Red is a lucky color to Asians so I think you're being blessed! If you start getting white Asian statues then you should worry. ;-)"

"How big was it?"

I know a lot more about blessing people than cursing them so not sure about this one.
The only advice I have for you is : Do you feel at peace when you think about it or when you are near it? If not, than get rid of it."

"Very interesting."

So these are most of the replies that we got about this crazy mystery. Of course, we found out one of our friends did put it on our doorstep thinking that it was cute and we would like. Which it is cute and I do like it; now that I know one of the neighbors isn't trying to curse our house :-) Mystery solved. Maybe I should send out random questions ever week and see what weird responses I get back from people. I'll try to get a picture of it posted tonight.

Okay now it's time to go back to work.

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