Friday, March 07, 2008

Feelin' fine in the sunshine

Hey all, we are back from Florida! Hope you all had a nice week! We are back in Minnesota where it was cold, while we spent a fair amount of time in shorts in the 70 degree weather. Overall we had a great time, it was good to see Karissa's grandparents since we don't get to see them too often. Also we made a couple of day trips out to see Sea World, Bush Gardens, and The gulf of Mexico. All three were fun days, but we also had some relaxing time by the pool! You can see all of the pictures we uploaded on our picture site (link is still on the right hand side!).

Keegan overall I think had fun, but it is kind of hard to tell sometimes :). Since he seems to have fun doing almost anything, I think that we could give him a rock and he would have a good time.... oh yeah, we have done that..... Well either way, Sea World was way more fun than I thought it would be. I think Keegan was overwhelmed by the shows because he just sat their and stared with his mouth gaping. Karissa's parents came along and it was really great to have them there to help with Keegan duty.

The beach was probably Keegan's favorite time, he kept trying to eat the sand and then spit it out when it tasted just awful. Then he would scrape his tongue to try and get the sand off only to put more on from his hands. Finally he would be happy again, and then try to eat more. I guess what they say about leading a horse to water is correct when it comes to a 1 year old. Keegan smiled a lot when we were at the beach, and had a really great time overall. The water was cold, so we didn't go "swimming", but we did walk out a little way into the water, and he had fun picking up rocks that were in the water. The picking up rocks was a theme through the whole vacation!

The swimming that we did do at the pool, went over ok the first time, and much better the second time. Keegan starts swimming lessons later this month, so we were happy to get him in a pool earlier than that to gauge how he would react. Well being that he doesn't like it when he is not in control..... must get that from his mommy.... he didn't seem to like not being able to touch the bottom. Well of course there is only one spot that he can really touch the bottom, and that is on the stairs at the beginning of the pool. So we spent a lot of time on the stairs. The flotation device that we brought along was not a huge hit, but he did ride in it for a while on both occasions. The pictures on the site are from the first day we went swimming, we didn't bring the camera the second time, thinking that 74 pictures of him in a pool would be enough. Well it would have been nice to have a few more from the second day because we had a lot of fun with him sticking his face in the water and trying to blow bubbles. I was showing him how to do it, and he just kept trying it over and over again. Most of the time he would push me out of the way to get to the same spot I had done it like that was the magical spot to blow bubbles.

So that was a quick summary of what we did. Keegan also learned a few new things while we were out of town. On the first day we got there, we were driving to the aforementioned grandparents house, and we drove by a Target. I pointed it out to Karissa and said that we could go to Target if we needed anything and then we hear "Target" coming from the back seat. I guess they pick their allegiance to Target or Wal Mart early these days. I mean really! Keegan has also been trying to copy other things we say, but hasn't gotten a lot more down yet. He said duck a lot, basically for every bird that he saw (at the prompting of Karissa). Keegan was saying dog for everything that is close, like a lion, or hyena. His pointing and saying "dat" went on a lot on this trip as well, and we told him what everything was to the best of our ability to figure out what he was pointing to.

The nicest part was returning home from the trip. It was nice to be home again. Keegan also seemed really happy to be home, and was basically a wild man last night from the time we got home till he went to bed. He was babbling a lot, and was having a good time chasing the cats and dog around. We also played with his ball, which he seemed to miss while we were gone.

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