Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Goofy grins and outside obessesions.

Lately Keegan has been making the silliest face. He "grins" really big and squints his eyes. It shows off his teeth pretty good, but it looks more like he's in pain than actually grinning. I am not sure where he learned this at; must've been daycare. It makes me wonder where his sweet sincere smile went. Suddenly it's been replaced with this monstrous looking, squinty eyed expression, that I am sure he thinks is absolutely winning. It should work well for him on sunny days though since he's got that squinty thing going on.

Of course we have been spending more time outside. The park is a block away from our house so we have been walking there a lot. Unfortunately this last Friday (and all weekend) it was snowing again and very cold (okay only mid-30's but that's too cold for the end of April). So, much to Keegan's dismay we haven't been playing outside. Let me tell you that kid loves being outside. Keegan spent Friday whining because he wanted outside. He can reach the door knobs now, just barely, so all I have to say is thank goodness for deadbolts.

When we left to go meet Erin and her brand new baby Aurora for lunch; the first thing Keegan did when I opened the garage door was to run past the car and out into the driveway. He wanted to walk to the park, not drive somewhere to eat lunch. Needless to say Keegan made our lunch meeting a bit of a misery. He wouldn't eat and was throwing stuff and in general driving me crazy. We survived but I felt bad for Erin having to put up with his antics.

I mean, in general, Keegan is a good boy; when you tell him to sit down he does (thanks to hard work by my mom), when you tell him to quiet down he sometimes does, he sometimes comes when you call his name, he lets go of something when you ask, and is getting better at putting his food down when you tell him not to throw it. This is a tough age because I don't think he understands discipline real well but he is starting to throw and hit. I think we have nabbed the hitting for the most part but the throwing food thing is still a favorite of his; especially when he is tired.

Then there have been some injuries. Keegan now likes to full-out run but sometimes his feet don't keep up with him. Thursday night he tripped and landed right on his nose on the hard wood floor. He got a bloody nose and was screaming an bleeding everywhere. I swear his nose looks crooked now; although Lyle says I am seeing things. Then yesterday we were walking out to the mailbox when he tripped on the asphalt. He didn't get his hands out to catch himself in time and I head this thud, scrap as his head hit the asphalt and then dragged across it. More screaming ensued and he has a big scrap on his forehead now. Sometimes I am amazed that kids make it past being toddlers...

Anyway it's something new every day with him. A couple days ago he learned how to flush the toilet, and turning the TV off and on is a new favorite. He also knows how to turn up the speakers (but not turn down). Lyle and I were blaming each other for the music being so loud until we saw Mr. Sneaky Pants over there adjusting the volume. Can't wait until he learns to drag that stool around to other places and gets onto the counter.

Hopefully it will stop with this super cold weather/snowing/raining business and be nice some time again. We go camping this weekend so that should be fun!

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