Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Birdie birdie in the sky, why did you drop that in my eye

Keegan has learned another word. Yesterday when he came home from daycare he started saying "bird"... well it doesn't exactly sound like bird, but pretty close. They mentioned at daycare that he had started to say bird, and we were really excited that he learned another word. You can tell that he actually understands bird as well. When we would say bird, he would look out the window and point to the bird if one was in sight and then say bird. Sooooo that is kind of a cool development for him.

Keegan can also now say "mooo" and does a pretty good job with that. He is learning that cow's say moo, and hopefully he will understand that he probably won't see a cow anytime soon :). I was mentioning last night that we might as well have brought Keegan up on a farm considering that he really only says animals names for the most part. I mean he says the hi, bye etc, but has learned squirell, bird, duck, and what cows say. So maybe that means he will be a farmer.... wait by the time he grows up farming might be fully automated... makes you wonder doesn't it :).

Other than that Keegan has been happy at daycare lately, and hasn't even complained when I have been leaving, which is a nice change. We also have made a few trips to the park this spring, and he has been enjoying the slides, and running around on the play equipment. Luckily we are really close to a park, so we have been stopping by on our way out on a walk. I guess that is really all for now!

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