Monday, April 14, 2008

A bunch of brunch

We have been trying to meet with a couple of our friends at least once a month for brunch. With Dungeons and Dragons two Saturdays a month and all of the other stuff we have going on, we realized that our Sunday mornings are the only things consistently open. So this time frame lent itself to Brunch.

So far we have had brunch at Chianti Grill in Falcon Heights, Lake Elmo Inn in Lake Elmo, and, most recently, Granite City in Roseville.

Lake Elmo Inn was a bust. The service was mediocre, the food okay, the cost really expensive, and everyone got sick afterwards. Chianti Grill is pretty good for service and has a huge variety of food for a reasonable price. Granite City has good food but a more limited menu, with good service, and a fairly reasonable price. But, all this is not why I am writing this entry. Since this blog is about Keegan; I am writing to tell about Keegan's Granite City brunch experience.

Keegan refused to take a nap Sunday morning. He always refuses to take a nap when we are meeting for brunch. Somehow he knows. So, like usual he fell asleep in the car on the way to brunch. We got there a little before 10am so we had to wait in the outside lobby with some other folks.

Now one plus to Granite City is the really cool stone walls in the outer lobby. Keegan thought these were awesome and spent a lot of time feeling them. Then there were the tinted glass doors into the restaurant; Keegan thought these were good for sucking on (can't imagine what that looked like from the inside).

Upon entering the restaurant, there were...BALLOONS! So Keegan got a balloon; which he always refuses to let me tie onto his wrist. It was a big balloon almost as tall as he was. The we got seated right next to the brunch line. This was awesome for Keegan, who loves watching all the people and waving at them to say "Hi".

The next best thing for Keegan were the fresh strawberries. He ate a ton of fresh strawberries. He *loves* strawberries. About 45 minutes into brunch he started getting antsy. As I mentioned he skipped his nap and was tired. So all of the sudden he let out a wail and threw his head down onto the table in despair. This was a hint that we needed a change of pace.

Since the restaurant was spacious I took him out of his highchair, and after trying to hold him, gave up and let him romp. I followed around after him. Apparently Keegan really dug the music they were playing. He ran into a clearing in the center of the restaurant and started shaking his booty and bopping his arms up and down. He was dancing like there was no tomorrow. It always strikes me as odd how Keegan has no concept of embarrassment. Anyway, his little dance was kind of cute. He got a little applause and a mom near me asked if I would mind if her little girl joined Keegan on the "dance floor". So for a couple seconds Keegan almost had a dance partner, but the little girl was scared to get down so that was the end of that.

Then it was time to walk down the aisle next to the booths and (in a bopping dance-like walk)wave and say "hi" to everyone. Thank goodness Keegan is super cute and people are super tolerant. Many of them waved back, making Keegan's day. A number of people asked how old he was and expressed surprise that he was only 14 months old. We are getting used to this; apparently he walks and talks too well for his age :-)

Then we had to go stand in the hallway by the bathroom and continue our dance-a-thon. Occasionally Keegan would try and make a break for the kitchen. Then we returned to the table and Keegan wanted his balloon. He wouldn't let me tie it on his arm so I tied it to the back of his pants. Keegan then ran up and down the hall by the bathroom trying to keep the balloon from getting him. At least it made him highly visible (for me) and it was funny to watch a giant red balloon bopping behind Keegan.

After that it was back up to the lobby. Where he pointed and tried to "talk" the hostess into giving him another balloon. I told him he had enough balloon for one day and we started back towards our table.

At this point I suppose I should mention that there were at least 11 babies in the dining room; all between the ages of 0 - 2 years. As such, the employees were very patient when I had to usher Keegan out of the way or when Keegan was "walking" up the stairs in his usual slow way. Keegan also liked to stop and watch the babies and try to get them to dance with him.

Lyle and I switched off walking around with Keegan for about 15 minutes before our check finally came. Keegan had a grand ol' time; but by the time we left he was super super tired.

Cate and Chris tolerated the constant ebb and flow of conversation well :-) I always feel bad when either Lyle or I have to leave to go watch Keegan. On the way out Keegan held Chris's and Lyle's hands and convinced them to swing him along on the way to the car. Cate teased that she was getting tired just watching the whole experience ;-)

Keegan always manages to turn something basic like brunch into the active social event of the season. I have met more "strangers" than ever before since I have had Keegan. Keegan does not get embarrassed or judge people. If a person says Hi to him they are awesome, if they don't they are boring. He thinks everyone is a great opportunity for excitement! Maybe we could all learn something from his care-free attitude toward humanity.

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