Monday, August 04, 2008

Almost 18......

Months that is. Keegan will be 18 months on Wednesday this week. Man have things changed in 18 short months. Keegan is walking, running, and kinda jumping, and is pretty stable doing all three, though he really has to get his arms moving to be able to accomplish any movement for some reason. Also as mentioned in some previous posts, Keegan is of course talking up a storm, we don't always understand what he is saying, but the fact that he is talking a lot hopefully means he will learn how to talk and read without too much difficulty. I guess we will have to wait and see on that one. As a matter of fact, Keegan has taken to saying entire sentances that we have no idea what any of the words are. I am sure that he knows all about what they are, but for us, we just try to catch any words that we can. Of course he gets frustrated when he says the same thing like 50 times tring to get us to catch on. When we don't he usually just gives us a look to let us know he is done trying to communicate, and goes to do something else.

Over the weekend we went to the art fair with another couple, and Keegan had a really good time. We tried to keep him away from everything breakable, but of course every glass item there, he had to make a B-line for. Most of the time we were able to get him away without making too much of a scene, but Keegan did get his hands on one fountain, and I have a feeling the maker was not entirely thrilled with us, as he mentioned that it was a three piece fountain, and if it fell over on top of Keegan he would probably be hurt. We just muttered sorry and pried Keegan away the best we could. We did bring along the backpack carrier that we normally use for hiking, and he did ride in that quite a bit, so that did keep him out of trouble.

We also met my parents on Friday night for dinner for Karissa's birthday (0nly a couple of weeks late...). We met at an asian place near our house, and Keegan and my parents had fun together. After we were done eating we went outside, and Keegan was running around like a wild child with his mohawk up and making sure that people noticed him. My parents played with him, and they seemed to get a kick out of how much fun Keegan can be! Keegan was of course hamming it up, since it seems that attention is always awesome in his book. Anyway he was practicing jumping, and doing "booms" which is when he keeps walking lower and lower till he falls to his knees and throws his hands up and shouts boom. Karissa is the culprit in this instance, since she was encouraging him to do it. Of course it was also on concrete and after the first couple we had to make him quit so that he didn't scrape up his knees any more.

Well happy 18 months buddy!

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