Monday, August 25, 2008

Now That's Using Your Head

Last night Keegan had, yet another, collision between his head and an inanimate object.

We were walking to the park and Keegan was kicking his ball down the sidewalk. This works pretty well because it keeps Keegan moving forward at a decent pace. Last night though Keegan decided to bring a small plastic ball instead of one of his normal play balls. So, the trip to the park went well. Keegan could kick the ball remarkably straight. He was actually running up to the ball and kicking it, then chasing the ball and kicking, on and on and on. I was amazed that he was so coordinated.

Then on the way back the inevitable happened. He kicked the ball, ran up to it and kicked it. Unfortunately this time he missed the ball and when he put his kicking foot down he stepped on the ball and rolled a little bit on the ball before doing a very impressive flip/fall right onto his forehead on the black top. He now has a equally impressive goose egg that is black and blue, with lots of accentuating scrap marks. There was a lot of screaming. From both Keegan and me; I thought he had cracked his head open.

Apparently this kid is one tough cookie. After about 30 seconds of holding him he wanted to get back down and kick that ball some more. Unfortunately I winced every time he got near to kick it because I was sure he was going to fall again. So, he was carried the rest of the way home along with his ball. Luckily he was pretty tired so he didn't mind all that much.

On a side note we had a great camping trip up at Crow Wing State Park this weekend. The campsites were wonderful, it was quiet, no bugs, the weather was beautiful. It made me really want fall. We ended up turning the heater on in the tent trailer for the first time ever; it got to 45 or so the second night. I just can't wait for fall; I am so sick of the hot weather. This was probably the best camping trip this year. Nice hiking and quiet. I would highly recommend this park! And little Keegan walked a good couple miles too; he really wore himself out.

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