Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What a sick baby...

So Keegan was diagnosed with an ear infection a couple weeks ago. He was put on antibiotics and he seemed to be getting better.

Then Monday night he had a fever of 102.5oF. We gave him some Motrin and put him to bed. On Tuesday morning he seemed okay. He was at my mom's on Tuesday and had a slight fever (99oF) but was very needy. Keegan needed my mom to hold him constantly.

As has been the case constantly things were crazy yesterday. Lyle and I had to stop by the accountant's office after work to get our Eckert Consulting and individual taxes done. My mom called in the middle of the meeting to let us know that we could stay for dinner when we came to pick Keegan up. So thankfully, we didn't have to make dinner. Keegan was needy the whole night. By the whole night I mean from 5pm to 5am.

The whole night he would sleep for about half an hour and then wake up screaming. The only thing that stopped him screaming was for one of us to hold him and rock him. After about half an hour of rocking, he would sleep for maybe an hour and then we would start the screaming, rocking, sleeping cycle all over again.

I was really worried his ear infection was back; so I told Lyle we needed to get him into the doctor Wednesday morning so that we could get him diagnosed ASAP. If he has an ear infection it has *got* to be cleared up by next Friday. We leave for Florida next Friday and I don't want Keegan's first flight to be with an ear infection.

Unfortunately I started an experiment Tuesday afternoon and I absolutely had to come into work Wednesday morning to complete it. I couldn't delay it because they are taking my coater down for calibration on Thursday and Friday; so I just had to get this stuff done today. So I asked Lyle if he could take Keegan into the doctor. Lyle complained about how he had a lot to do in the last month of his contract and how he wouldn't get paid for the time. I was like, come on here, I have taken this kid in for every doctor's appt he's ever had and I have stayed home with him every time he has been sick (excepting one occasion when he got sick while I was out in Oregon). No one knows better than I that you will not be getting paid for being at home.

So we came up with a compromise. I would go into work early (6am) and get my experiment done; aiming to be home by 10:30am so that Lyle could leave for work. I called daycare to let them know Keegan wouldn't be in at 6:30am and at 7:30am Lyle called the doctor's office. The earliest they could get Keegan in was 10am. So Lyle had to sit around waiting to go to Keegan's appointment until 10am. We had kind of been hoping he could get in for an appointment at like 8am, and that Keegan would be okay and Lyle could drop him off at daycare and go to work.

Well that would not be the case. Lyle called around 10:45am to say that the doctor said Keegan's ears are fine. His throat is red though so they did a swab for strep throat. The doctor concluded that Keegan had....a virus! Wow, what a surprise there. Apparently the doctor said Keegan was sick, but that he had probably picked this up at daycare so there wasn't any reason we should keep him home from daycare. So Lyle dropped Keegan off at daycare and went to work. I ended up being able to stay at work; which is nice.

Keegan doesn't have an ear infection which is even nicer. Hopefully he will sleep some tonight.

To top off the day we just had an emergency meeting; in which I learned that our plant run has been canceled. So all of the work we busted our butts to get done last week was for not. In fact we don't have any budget to coat at the plant until the second quarter. This makes me nervous because every program I have been on that has gotten canceled started with management saying "Oh, well, we need to cancel this plant run to save money." Then within a month or two the program was completely shut down.

Oh, well hopefully at least our trip to Florida will work out well. I pray to the gods of health and illness to keep us healthy and drive away all evil ear infections and other illnesses, at least until we get back from our vacation! I try to be grateful that we haven't ended up in the hospital for any really severe illnesses as of yet.

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