Thursday, February 14, 2008

And he winds up his arm for a fantastic pitch...

So I am being out-blogged by Lyle here. Although I guess blogging isn't traditionally a contest. I am sure I could make it one; just ask Lyle, I make everything a contest :-)

Keegan has been doing a couple fun new things. He recently figured out how to throw. He throws with pretty darn good accuracy. It started with throwing food; which was not popular with me or Lyle. It has now progressed to throwing other objects. Mostly throwing little plastic balls at...the cats. He loves throwing things at the cats because then they will chase the balls around and Keegan thinks this is hilarious. Unfortunately Keegan has developed deadly accuracy and more than one of the kitties was thunked on the head by a plastic ball last night. Jubei could care less, and Seras thinks it is all in good fun, but Loki was not amused. Loki keeps his distance from Keegan and was not thrilled to find out that Keegan now has a six foot reach.

My mom told me Keegan spent today bouncing plastic balls off of the dogs at her house. I guess it is good he's developing new skills, but oh the poor animals. The only good part about this is Keegan thinks that every small object should be thrown into a box. This comes in really useful for picking up toys. He put most of his toys away (kind of) by himself last night.

There were a couple other things that Keegan did yesterday that were funny. The first one was of questionable intelligence. Keegan toddled over to Ruby's (empty) dog bowl, got on his hands and knees, stuck his head in the dog bowl, and proceeded to lick the bottom of Ruby's bowl. It took me a couple seconds to figure out what he was going to do. I had a little trouble getting over to him fast enough because I was laughing so hard. Keegan looked up from the dog bowl with a "yucky" look on his face. Apparently he didn't find Ruby's dog bowl residue as yummy as Ruby finds it. All I can think to say is Eeeewwww!!!!

After the dog bowl licking. Keegan grabbed Ruby's bone and very nicely brought it over to Ruby and tried to stick it in her mouth. Ruby gave me a withering look that said "I don't really want my bone right now," but she took it from him and that made Keegan very happy.

Next it was over to mom's purse where he dug out my cell phone. He accidentally hit send and called Lyle. My phone was really low on battery so I saw it die before the call went through. I thought well, since it's dead it probably won't hurt to let him have it. Keegan put the phone up to his ear and proceeded to walk around the house, going "dat, dat, blah, ma" etc. into the phone. Guess he learned something from us about cell phones already. He got to keep the phone until he went over to the dog bowl of water and held the phone over it. Then the phone went "bye bye" and out of Keegan's reach.

All this happened in the first 30 minutes we were home; so you can imagine what the rest of the night was like.

As for Keegan's birthday; everything went well. The big birthday party we had for him went great considering how sick I was for it. I had the flu and was really sick all Saturday morning. But my parents came over to help Lyle get stuff set up. I sat in a chair and tried not to puke, and all was well. Keegan got some cheetos and ate his birthday cupcake with great gusto. It was wonderful to have everyone over and I was really bummed that I was so sick!

We are all still fighting colds right now but hopefully we will be better by the time we go on our trip to Florida.

Lyle and I got Keegan a car that he can ride in while we push. He loves it. I really didn't think he would be that excited about it. We got it so he could ride in there when we go on walks come this spring. We got that car out and he climbed in it in no time. He thinks getting pushed around the house in that car is just awesome. He also likes the hood it has; in the front there is a little spot where he can lift the hood up and stick things in there. I shudder to think what we might find under the hood as he gets older and the car goes outside. Keegan's been having a great time with all the other presents people got him too!

Anyway, that's probably enough of an update for now! Hope that everyone has a Happy Valentine's Day!

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