Monday, February 25, 2008

Hey look I have a nose... and my finger fits pretty well!!

I assume that must have been what was going through Keegans mind over the past few days, as he now finds it interesting to stick his finger up his nose and see what is up there. I don't think that he has gotten his finger up far enough to pick at his brain, but you never know :). Really we have been leaving him to it for the most part, there isn't a whole lot we can do since telling him "no" seems to make him want to do that thing more.... like the water bowl that he constantly wants to play with in the worst way. I put his arm down if I am holding him and he decides to do it, but I don't say anything. So hopefully no permanent brain damage will come out of it, and we can get him to stop that when he gets a little older and finds out that picking your nose in public is frowned upon.

Other than that, things are going pretty well, other than Karissa being a bit stressed out over taking Keegan on a plane, and traveling with him in general. You would have thought we were leaving last week based on Karissa's nerves :). On the other hand, she started packing stuff up last night, and thinking back on it, I think that she is late compared to other trips we have packed for. Usually she is packed and ready to go two weeks before we are even thinking about leaving. Of course over the rest of the week she will be packing and repacking, and double checking that everything is there. Overall I am glad that she does it since it would be a pain to do myself :)...... actually I just would pack once, and hope that I got everything I needed. I guess that is the biggest difference between the two of us when it comes to packing.

Either way Florida better start getting ready, cause we are coming soon to raise heck! It really is our way everywhere we go now that Keegan is in tow. I hope that the restaurants there have good vacuums and mops! Needless to say we will be taking lots of pictures... you can tell by visiting our pictures site, which probably has a thousand or so pictures by now. Sadly that isn't even all of the pictures in our collection, those are just most of the pictures we have taken in the last two years.

Speaking of lots of pictures, I was musing the fact that Keegan will have sooooooo many more pictures than I have of myself as a baby. I have a sum total of 1 picture from before I started elementary school. So I can only imagine that it will be very different for Keegan who will have hundreds if not thousands of pictures by the time he reaches school age. As a matter of fact they were talking on the radio about the first child getting a lot more pictures, and scrap books etc, and the children that come later basically get nothing by comparison. I know that parents just get busy, and probably don't have the time to work on that kind of thing as well as they did with the first child. But you have to assume it also becomes a been there done that kind of attitude that also starts to degrade the picture taking and time spent scrapping for the later kids. I guess it make sense, but I would think it makes the later children feel less appreciated. Gee there must be some other advantages to being a later kid...... ;)

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