Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Thou shall not use baby shampoo....

Don't know if anyone else actually went to read the articles that Karissa posted on her Monday blog, but the second one had an interesting one liner.
In addition, parents shall seek products labeled “phthalate-free” to be sure their babies are safe.

I thought that was pretty funny since I guess we don't have a choice as parents to make our own decisions as to what we want to do with our own children ;). Anyway, there is your funny for the day!

As for other things, well Karissa pointed out most of the interesting stuff in her post about how Keegan is doing. Though we got him on film last night laughing so much when Karissa and him were playing with the tunnel we picked up at Ikea. He was giggling for a good 10 minutes or so, which is always so funny it makes you giggle. Anyway tomorrow is Keegan's first birthday, so I am sure he is looking forward to that.... though I suppose he might not actually notice. We did wrap his present last night though, and that was kind of funny since we didn't actually have enough of the same paper to wrap his whole present. So he has two different wrapping papers on there. It also has a very big bow. I would tell you all what the present is, but I wouldn't want you to spoil the surprise for him.

Lastly, the pictures have been updated. January pictures were finished uploading last night, so you can see his new haircut, and Kim and Roberto while they were here. Sorry we didn't get that many pictures, for some reason the camera seemed to be hiding every time I was thinking of taking pictures.

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