Thursday, October 19, 2006

Feeding class

So breast feeding class was last night. It was an interesting class, though it seemed kind of long. We learned all about the holds, benefits, and what to expect. Overall it was pretty good, and I listened enough to make sure that I can remind Karissa of the information if she happens to forget.

There was some fun for me though. They talk about how the baby is suppose to latch and suck. This is just funny to me because it sounds like a leech and not a baby. It is funny to me because Keagan sounds like a parasite for the first 6 months after birth, and athe whole nine months in the womb. Don't get me wrong, I am happy Keagan is coming, and I am excited for him to come out so that I can actually play with him.

I have linked to the picture on the left from our pictures that are online. If you want to see those, you can use the link on the right that says "our pictures". The picture on the left is of Keagan, that we got from the 20 week ultrasound. It is the profile of Keagan, and you can see he looks just like his mom. Same nose and everything ;). I think Keagan has my chin though. I guess we will have to see who he looks more like after he comes out.

Well that is really all for now. I hope that you guys have a great day.

1 comment:

Sistertex said...

Personally I think he looks like his grandpa because of the 'hair'. :)