Thursday, October 26, 2006

Breastfeeding, to Snip or not to Snip, and Party Baby

Okay well it's been a while but I've been busy. I've had a large programming assignment that is due on Sunday and I've been trying to get it done before our Halloween party this Saturday. I think I am finally done!

It's been a pretty exciting couple of weeks. We had breastfeeding class and that was interesting. Lots of information. Throughout most of the class all I could think was; geez this is going to take a lot of time. Sounds like the baby feeds every 1.5 - 2hrs and then they feed for 20-40 minutes. They count the time between feedings from the beginning of the feeding. So then mom gets a break for 30-40 minutes and has to feed again. Not to mention all the diaper changing. Wow, all these these little guys seem to do is eat, poop, and sleep. We'll see how it goes. There was also a very disturbing diagram that went into how far the mother's nipple get stretched down the baby's mouth/throat while eating. My nipples are not that long and I don't know if I ever want them to be! All in all it was a good class though. Can't wait to take our All-About Babies class in a couple weeks.

Also had my 24 week doctor's appt on Monday. We listened to the baby's heartbeat and then I was measured from pubic bone to navel. Apparently the distance from you pubic bone to your navel in centimeters tracks with how many weeks you are pregnant (give or take 2 centimeters). I measured at 25cm. That's odd how that works out, but good to know! We got a lot of literature on pre-term labor and how to monitor your baby's movement. Lyle and I also asked about circumcision since we don't know much about. Ends up only 50-60% of baby boys are circumcised now and most insurance companies consider it a cosmetic surgery so they won't cover the cost of the surgery. We were already both kind of teetering back and forth about whether we wanted to have that done to the little guy and now we've both decided absolutely not!

Last night was the first night that Keegan (baby boy) woke me up in the middle of the night. About 3am he started partying and kept me awake for an hour or so. That incited some grumbling on my part. I told Lyle to tell his son to behave...I got a mumbled response in return.

Anyway, this has been a busy week. I am falling a bit behind on my other homework so I need to get back on top of that. Also we have the Halloween party to prepare for and we'll be playing DND Sat. morning. We spent yesterday night getting all the food for the party and then tonight we put up the Halloween decorations inside and out. Lyle still doesn't know what he's going to be; maybe he's keeping it a surprise ;-) Very happy that tomorrow is Friday! Our company also got its first paycheck last week. That was a relief and kind of exciting.

Hopefully tomorrow things will be calmer at work and maybe I can slip in another post. Until then...

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