Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Behind again

So this weekend we went camping up at Bear Head Lake State Park.  Despite the occasional thunderstorms blowing through it was a lot of fun.  We took walks, boat rides, naps, and ate lots of Dairy Queen.  Maybe not the best for the body, but my mind enjoyed the break.

I have pics of our New York Trip, Kee's final hockey session, Lyle's Birthday and the last two camping trips at home on the computer.  I will try to make it a priority to get all those darn pictures online some time this week.

I did get wonderful news last week; I do not have to fly out to our plant for work this month!  This news made my week and means I will spend a full month at home...the first in a very long time...I think since December or something like that.

I've also been having a bit of a tooth deal going.  During my last trip to the plant I cracked a tooth; probably from grinding my teeth (which I do when stressed).  Went in to have the dentist look at it on Thursday and I needed a crown.  The whole thing sucks because I have very good teeth, this is the first major thing I have ever had happen to them. 

Then things got worse when the Novocain wouldn't work...seriously the dentist shot me up with Novocain like eight times and then put me on nitrous oxide.  I still jumped when she would hit this nerve in my tooth...it just wouldn't go numb and hurt horribly when ever she tried to drill that part of the tooth.  So she drilled about a quarter of it out, epoxied it or something and wants me to come back this afternoon to finish drilling.  I was at the dentist office for like 3 hours and am really not looking forward to the appointment this afternoon.  She was worried I might need a root canal and I have heard that is so not fun.  I am not totally clear on what happened because the nitrous oxide zapped me out pretty good.

So I am really really hoping the drilling goes better this afternoon and I can just get this crown on and be done with it.  Or maybe they can just knock me out or sedate me or something; I wish there was someway to have this done without me having to be present and conscious.

All that fun aside, I am going to try to get some posts up about camping...birthday...etc.  Hope you are all doing well.

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