Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Lyle and I have been waiting for the start of the inevitable "Why?" phase of Keegan's life. Well this weekend it started.

Me: Keegan let's water the flowers.
Kee: Why?
Me: Because they need water or else they will die.
Kee: Why?
Me: Because water is for flowers what food is for you. Would you like it if you never had food?
Kee: No
Me: Okay, let's go get the watering can.
Kee: Why?

I begin to understand why some parents say "Because I say so." Keegan absorbs a lot though so usually we try to answer his "why" questions with an explanation. When these why questions start to get silly I will say "well, why not?" That usually byes me a couple "why free" minutes while he tries to decide why I shouldn't be doing something.

It is slightly annoying at times, but for now it is mostly funny. The only not funny thing he has been doing is interrupting conversations. Last night every time I tried to talk to Lyle Keegan would start yelling "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy I talking". Lyle and I stopped talking and listened to what Keegan had to say, then I told him Mommy needed to talk to Daddy for a little bit. Keegan was perfectly reasonable about it and let us talk. Of course, we had to explain "why" we needed to talk :-) So for now as long as I tell Keegan that Mommy and Daddy need to talk without him interrupting he is good with it; I wonder how long that will last...

Makes me wonder what's next...

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