Monday, June 22, 2009

Amazon ranking and sonatas

Okay so I need to be excited about this because I am odd like Amazon Review Ranking went under 2000 last week! My new rank is 1825. I am very excited and I know that is lame. Still if you want to check it out (and maybe even say some of my reviews are helpful to you) here is the link to my profile: Reviewer Rank
My goal is to be a top 1000 reviewer by the end of the year :-) Hey we all need goals, right?

In other news, my parents and Lyle and I spend a good portion of Sunday night being serenaded by a toddler. Yes, through a long father's day dinner Keegan sung, "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, yay!" pause "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, yay!" pause, etc. This deluge of serenading was "sparked" by the candle on the table which Keegan thought meant it was someone's birthday. Does this mean we don't take him out to nice places enough? I kid you not the kid sung the same two lines from the Happy Birthday song over and over again non-stop over a period of about 40 minutes. At least he was happy.

Keegan has been doing this more and more. He often breaks out into sporadic bursts of song not uncommon to any classic musical. Today on the way to swimming lessons a drive by a sprinkler incited a rousing rendition of "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring, yay!" These audio renditions are always fragmented and concluded with a celebratory cry of "yay!" followed by clapping. I wish I could be such a good critic to myself.

1 comment:

babybuff said...
