Sunday, November 09, 2008

When puddles attack...

Apparently nobody explained to Keegan what happens when you try to jump in a puddle and it is cold outside. Guess we didn't realize it was quite that cold out yet. Let me set the scene here...we are crossing into the parking lot. Keegan screams "Puddle!" and darts to the puddle two feet in front of us. Lyle and I both lurch towards him yelling "NO!" It's too late though, Keegan is in mid jump and jumps straight on the puddle. Too late, Keegan learns what ice is. He lands, his feet fly straight out in front of him, and "BOOM". Luckily he landed on his butt and caught himself with his hands so he didn't hit his head. But it scared the stuffing out of him and he had such a hurt look of betrayal on his face as we picked him up it broke my heart. He started crying saying "Puddle owie fall down " He could not believe that one of his beloved puddles caused him an owie. It was a betrayal of nature itself. It was a betrayal he forgot the moment he saw the DO NOT ENTER sign and yelled "BALL!!!" because the do not enter sign has symbols on it that look somewhat like a ball.

In addition to this we also found out how much fun escalators are today. The only reason we went to Rosedale Mall was to walk around and let Keegan play in the play area there. So he dictated our path through the mall. This entailed riding the escalator up and down and up and down. Then we had to go to Abercrombie and Fitch where he shakes his booty to the music and tries to pick the nose of the giant guy in the picture there. Before this on the way through Macy's we had to touch each of the mannequins' legs to see if they were real. On the way out of Macy's some guy was looking at sweaters next to the mannequins. Imagine both the man's (and Keegan's surprise) when Keegan tried to pinch the "mannequin's" leg and the mannequin jumped a bit and said "oh". Keegan gave me a look like "Hey mom, that mannequin moved" I tried to explain to him that not everyone that stands in the aisle is a mannequin, but what can you do?

What an exciting day it was. BTW, did you know there is a large fountain in the back of Coldwater Creek? Well there is. Keegan knows it, can sense it, and did not ever want to leave it.

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