Monday, August 13, 2007

6 month checkup - All is well

So Keegan had his 6 month checkup this afternoon. He weighed 18 lbs 11 ounces and was 27 inches long. That puts him in the 75th percentile for weight and the 65th percentile for height. Basically similar to what he's been at. Like usual he was delightful at the doctors, really he was! He tried to help do everything. He grabbed the ear scope to help Dr. Kuku put it into his ear and grabbed the light to help her look in his mouth; I am not sure how much actual help it was but he tried. Lyle was along this time too so that was nice :-)

Dr. Kuku once again told us we are in big trouble as Keegan showed her that he would grab and pull himself up if you hold out your fingers. She is convinced he is going to be an early walker and made sure to give us lots of information on baby proofing the house :-) Keegan did not like the shots but only cried for a couple seconds. Once I picked him up he settled down and just glared at us for awhile. He did have a quick smile for the nurse though as she left.

It was pajama day at daycare so Keegan spent all day in his strippy PJs. I should really get a picture of him in those; he is so adorable. Jenny, Lyle's sister-in-law got them for us. He is starting to outgrow them though and that makes me sad!

He is in napping now. We started to read the Belly Button book and when he tried to eat it I pulled the book away saying "no, let's just read it". His lip started to tremble and then he broke into an absolute screaming fit. So, it was easily determined that he was tired (those shots will do that to you) and down for a "nap" we went. It's kind of late for a nap since he goes to bed at 7pm; maybe he will just sleep until tomorrow morning we will see.

Quick funny story. Last night Lyle was at hockey and I was trying to get Keegan to go to sleep. Well he didn't want to. So I left him lay in his crib while I made up his bottles for daycare. I hear all this noise in the crib and go in there in time to see him sit back down. He had pulled himself up on the mobile controller and turned the power on to the mobile. Then he laid back down and proceeded to kick the different buttons on the mobile to change the music and the lights. I didn't have the heart to turn it off again after all the hard work he had put in. So, I let him play with it for 15 minutes or so and then it was time to go back to sleep.

This weekend was great! We didn't have anything planned and we spent a lot of time just hanging around the house playing. It was fun to not have to rush to one place or another. During one of Keegan's naps Lyle and I tried to finish up Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Of course Keegan woke up 15 minutes before the end of the book (we were listening on audio book) so Keegan joined us for the remainder of the book. You can read about what I thought about the book on my book blog here:

It's good to be done with that book; it was pretty good and now I can continue with some other books I wanted to read.

We got some pictures of Keegan and Jubei "playing"; they are getting along great. The pictures are up on Picasa; see picture link at the side of this blog.

Other than that I am thrilled to be done with school. Not so thrilled that I have to spend all of next week out at the manufacturing plant in Oregon. I always feel bad for leaving Lyle with everything while I am gone. He says he feels worse for me because I have to work such long hours out there and I don't get to see Keegan at all. I am not sure which is worse; I just know that I am always thrilled to come home! I am getting out there early afternoon on Sunday so I am thinking about taking a quick road trip out to Crater Lake National Park. It's an 1.5 hr drive out of Medford (where the plant is). So I am not sure how adventurous I'll feel out there; we'll see maybe I'll have some great pictures when I get back!

Anyway, I have other things I should really be doing. So, back to those things! Hope that you are all doing well.

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