Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Quick 36 week appt update

Okay so yesterday was my 36 week appt. Everything health wise is fine. Good news is that I am 1.5cm dilated and Keegan is definitely head down and has dropped some (but not all the way yet). So I could stay like this for a while or he could decide to visit us soon! Bad news is the ankle swelling etc is probably going to get worse as time progresses; and there's not a darn thing I can do about it.

Anyway, I was excited to know that at least my body is thinking about having this baby and that Keegan may actually consider coming out of his not-so-roomy residence.
So thought I would post an update...hopefully this doesn't get to be "too much info" for anybody. But part of the point of the blog was to write all the nitty gritty down so that we could remember it for later.
Hope all who read this are doing well.

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