Wednesday, January 24, 2007

37 weeks, 5 days and still going

So I had my 37 week appointment yesterday. Lyle came with me which is always nice. Nothing too exciting. I am dilated to about 2cm and Keegan is at a position of approximately -1 (he needs to be at zero for delivery so -1 means he is still up a bit). She said he is sitting back a bit still; not exactly sure what that means. Blood pressure, etc is still fine. We had to wait forever yesterday; our appt was about an hour late because of some emergencies that came in. I try to understand that emergencies happen but it frustrating to be at the clinic for over 2 hrs just for a 15 minute check-up! Oh and the doctor mentioned for size that she thinks he will be around 8lbs; she said she definitely thinks he won't be a light weight ;-)

Anyway, so I am where I am supposed to be. I've decided I'm not really all that thrilled with cervical exams. They leave me very crampy and uncomfortable feeling. Keegan gets very still after the exams; he's like "what in the heck just poked me in the head, that was wierd..." Still having very sore hips and crampy belly a lot; again supposidly normal. We are just still waiting for this little guy to arrive. I've been telling Keegan that it's really nice out here and everyone wants to meet him so he should think about coming out to visit. Little does he know the visit would be permanent ;-)

It's been getting busy again. School started on Tuesday so I have a lot of reading and some homework to do for that. My last day of work is tomorrow; I am excited about that. I don't think I've ever been off of work for more than 2 weeks in a row since I started working back when I was 16. Lyle has been reading "There's a Wocket in my Pocket" (Dr. Seuss book) to Keegan every night in hopes that Keegan will learn to like a book before coming out of the womb. Babies are supposed to recognize stories that they heard a lot in womb and find them comforting after they are born. Guess it's worth a shot!

We are just hanging out waiting for Keegan to grace us with his prescence out of womb!

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