Monday, November 27, 2006

29 weeks?! Kick, Elbow, Nudge

I want to second Lyle's comment about the great job mom and dad did with throwing the shower weekend before last. It went great. Thanks to everyone who could make it and thanks for all of the great presents!

As Lyle also mentioned the doctor's appt for 28 weeks went well. Blood pressure, blood sugar, baby heart rate were all perfect. I finally found out what the pinching in my upper abdomen was about. Ends up one of the nerves that runs from your abdomen up can run through your ribs. When that happens (and you are pregnant) your abdomen will stretch that nerve against your ribs causing a pinching or burning pain on one side. It's harmless and there's not a darn thing they can do about it. So basically I have to deal with it :-) So far I've been able to figure out that it hurts more in some positions than others; so it's been okay as long as I am careful.

I am constantly amazed at how big my abdomen can get. It just gets bigger and bigger. This incited a shopping trip to the MOA on Friday to Old Navy. They had maternity stuff on sale and I now have several bigger shirts. You know they say to buy maternity clothes in your prematernity size?? Well there is not a medium maternity shirt in existence that covers the bottom of my belly. So on to large it is. At least I got to buy more clothes :-)

I have actually been feeling a lot better lately. I think some of it is because I am not worried about the aches and pains I was having after talking to the doctor. The other thing is that if Keegan were born today he would have a very good change of living a normal life; after some time in intensive care. I told him yesterday it would be nice if he stayed put for a couple more months though.

Keegan has also started kicking/elbowing/headbutting with great gusto. Sometimes he hits me so hard it makes me jump a bit. This has created a great new pastime where I can watch my stomach as it undulates back and forth. It's a bit weird and alien-like, but neat all the same. I've got to imagine that both Lyle and mom and dad are sick of me going..."oh, did you see that" or "oh, he's kicking again". You would think the novelty would wear off with time but it's still exciting! Yesterday morning Keegan was very quiet and it worried me a bit; but late afternoon he started moving a ton again. Then to make up for the morning he was very active all night. I think it's the first night where his movements have kept my up a good portion of the night. At least he is moving!

Anyway, I have a meeting to go to so I am going to end this post. Doctor's appt every two weeks now; so that should be interesting.

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