Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I'm babied out

After this weekend I am just plain babied out! We had birthing preparation class Fri night for 3 hrs and then Sat for 8 hrs. We went from there to Michelle's baby shower. Then on Sunday we had a baby shower with our friends for Lyle and I!

Class went very well. The teacher was great; she had the perfect mix of a good sense of humor, great experience, and provided emotional as well as technical knowledge. She touched on alternative methods of help for labor and birthing as well as traditional methods without pushing her opinion of either on the group. It was a great class. My favorite part was practicing the relaxation methods; I also liked when they had the spouses practice hand/back massage for assistance during labor. My least favorite part was watching the 6-7 birthing videos we watched. Seeing those women in so much pain with their husbands trying to help them was just stressful. I am not sure why; at least I wasn't the only woman upset by it. A few of the women cried through those parts of the video. Luckily we did the relaxation exercises after watching the videos so that helped. The amount of information was staggering and very overwhelming. Lyle and I left the class a bit wide-eyed and very tired.

A couple other good things about the class is that we toured the birth center and it is very nice. Lyle was ecstatic that they have wireless in the delivery room :-) Also I am not absolutely terrified of the possibility of needing a C-section anymore. I was really worried that they cut through your stomach muscles for that, but they don't. Weird the things that bother you.

Michelle's baby shower was fun. Liam was very cute and very quiet the whole time we were there. Cate threw a great baby shower for Lyle and I . We had fun with the games. We played a game where we had 80's TV or movie characters on our backs. This was a great ice breaker game for the people that didn't know each other that well. Also made me wish I had actually watched some TV back in the 80's :-) The food was great and Lyle and I got lots of awesome gifts for Keegan. Thanks to everyone that attended!

Lyle has been really great about tolerating my slowness and just in general laziness (I suppose I should just say tiredness). He has also been watching out for me because I seem to be operating on about half a brain most of the time. I do things like start water boiling and then leave; put my car keys strange places; and struggle to unlock the door getting back into the house. Not to mention the general clumsiness. I drop everything; which is horrible because then I have to reach all the way down to the floor to pick it up. A lot of times I drop things and then stare at Lyle, in what I hope is a helpless and pleading way, until he picks it up for me :-)

As for Keegan. I can feel him a bit better everyday. In one of my meetings yesterday Keegan and I played a game. I would push on my stomach and he would kick back at me. It really made the meeting go quit a bit faster. Last night a bit of weirdness happened where something was stabbing me in the abdomen. I reached down to rub it and hit something very boney that quickly moved when I pushed on it. I swear is had to be Keegan's heel or something. That was just creepy. I mean I know I've been feeling him moving but to feel body parts through my stomach is just darn strange. So things continue to be interesting.

Well, that's it for me. I have to finish up my lunch and then get back to work. Not sure when Lyle is going to do another entry...I think he must be taking a blog vacation for a couple weeks here...

1 comment:

Sistertex said...

So are we decided on 'Keegan' as the spelling now?