Friday, November 10, 2006


I have a few minutes here before I need to be somewhere else so I thought I would write a quick note.

Tonight and all day tomorrow; Lyle and I have birthing preparation class. This is the grandaddy of all classes and is *the* class that everyone is supposed to go through. I pulled out the registration sheet just to make sure that we knew when we had to get there etc, etc. Ends up there are a few items we need to bring with us. We need to bring two pillows and either an exercise mat or a couple of blankets. Lyle and I looked at each other quizzically and wondered; exactly what would we be doing in this class. Lyle said "what type of blankets?" I said "To me this means I will be on the floor at some point so I suggest thick blankets." And that was that. So I am excited to see how this class goes. Maybe a little bit nervous too; I have these strange visions of us doing pregnant crabwalk races across the classroom as part of the bonding for this class.

As for general stuff; the baby shower that Cate is throwing for us and our friends is on Sun and I am excited about that. Michelle and Nick are having their baby shower tomorrow night; so we will definitely be busy this weekend!

As for me...I have been having good pregnancy days and bad ones. Like last night I slept great and feel great this morning. Night before last I hardly slept a wink and felt like hell warmed over when I got up. I was sore, had a headache, and was just in general cranky. So far the biggest problems I've been having is sore hip joints (of and on) and this pinching in my upper abdomen. The pinching seems to come on if I eat too much; so I've been working on moderating my meal sizes. I will take to the doctor about it in a week when I go in again. Other than that Keegan has been very active. Sometimes he regularly kicks up a storm; other times it's just little pokes and prods. Funny thing is that rather than feeling just movement in my very lowest abdomen; I am started to feel movement up higher too! Sometimes both at the same time. Anyway, sometimes I just like to go lay down and feel him moving around. Lyle is finally getting used to this :-) The first couple of times he walked into the bedroom and was like "what are you doing?" I don't think he is used to me sitting still for no reason. I have been finding it's very nice to just sit sometimes....

Ah well more about class after we go through it!

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