Monday, August 23, 2010

Crazy weekend...again

We love to fill our weekends full of lots of fun things.  It keeps us moving and prevents too much vegging out on the couch (which is hard to do anyway with a 3 year old around).

This week was a wonderfully fun yet crazy weekend.

It all started on Friday.  Keegan and I stayed home together, we only have one more Friday together until I go full-time, so we decided to make the most of it.  This involved doing whatever Keegan wanted to do with the caveat that we had to fit grocery shopping and laundry in there somewhere.

So, Keegan wanted to build a mini-golf course with his duplos around the house.  No, I don't know where he comes up with this stuff...  Well that's what we did for a number of hours.  Then off to grocery shop.  After that we did the next thing Keegan wanted to do, go to the Adventure Park...a wonderfully air conditioned play area that makes me feel like a large gerbil.  After all of that we stopped by the library and then came home for lunch/nap.  Yes we did all of that before 11am.  Keegan was kind to me and took an extra long nap.

Saturday was even crazier.  We meet some friends for breakfast and then went mini-golfing with them.  Saturday morning was dreary but actually kind of nice for mini-golfing.  We played both courses at the Spring Lake Park Amusement Park; totaling 36...yes 36...holes of mini-golf.  It was fun.  After that we skipped lunch and took naps.  Then it was up to run down to Whole Foods to recycle our number 5s (yogurt containers mainly) and pick up some of the less necessary but oh so yummy items we can't find anywhere else.  Then over to my parents' house to play games.  Keegan is into games right now, I think I mentioned that in my last post.

We were pretty wiped out after all of that so then it was least for Keegan.  Lyle and I had some obnoxious things to blow-up in the latest Borderlands expansion.

Sunday morning was more craziness. We went out at 8am to start doing yard work, finished that up and then had to come in and build some cars with Keegan's new Lego set.  Then off to Alec's 1st birthday party.  Keegan had an absolute blast at Alec's bday party.  There were a lot of other kids there his age and Alec's parents gave out inflatable swords as a party favor to all the kids.  Keegan ran and was crazy forever (almost 4 hours) and ate cake and then played some more.

By the time we got back from the party it was too late to put Keegan down for a nap so we did the logical thing to wind down from it all and packed up and road our bikes to the beach.  At the beach we swan in the lake, shot each other with squirt guns, built a castle, built a dams, and splashed in the splash zone.  It was again fun but exhausting.  To top it all off we ran over to Green Mill for dinner because I was too tired to think about making anything.

Finally Keegan went to bed and Lyle and I got to do other things that involved more sitting than running.

It was a wonderfully fun, but exhausting weekend.  And just the first of many exhausting weekends to come.


babybuff said...

This sounds a lot like our weekends. Live is crazy. It goes by so fast.

babybuff said...

I agree crazy is the way to go. I wouldn't trade it for the world. BTW, I do know how to spell...I just don't know how to spell check regularly! Live=Life. ;)