Thursday, August 26, 2010

We got paid!

Lyle switched jobs to Medtronic in July and for me it is always nerve-wracking while we wait to see when we will actually get paid when he switches to a new when I came home last night to find a check from them in the mailbox earlier than expected I was estatic.

I did a happy dance and jumped around yelling "yay, we got paid!" absolutely no one.  Then Lyle came home and I told him and he was like "uh, yeah, of course we did".

Anyway, I am excited and feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.  Especially since the remainder of our Disney trip is due next week and Lyle is talking about ripping out the carpet in the playroom...

So Yay to Medtronic for being prompt and having a finance department that is functional!

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