Monday, March 08, 2010

England Trip: Day 3

So today was a big day for us. We went to Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, and Bath. All of it was very cool.

We will eventually put up pictures. But, probably not until next week. All of the places were very neat. We've been very lucky in that it has been sunny since we got here.

We had an excellent tour guide with a lovely since of humor. The brits are very funny. They are all so chipper. Everything is "lovely". They don't have signs saying "Watch out for the gap" it is always much more polite "mind the gap". They are never detour signs but instead there are diversion signs. It's like everything is presented as being more mild and proper than it actually is.

We have also been eating good :-) Lots of bakeries and pastry shops. We had Thai food the first night, Italian the second, and then Turkish food tonight. All in all excellent eats no matter where we go.

Windsor Castle was cool, but would have been more impressive if Lyle and I hadn't seen Topaki Palace in Istanbul. Still the amount of wealth at Windsor is impressive.

Stonehenge was awesome too. You get pretty close to the rocks and it was beautiful blue skies (if incredibly cold). It has been more than chilly still out here, lows in the 20's highs in the mid-30's.

Bath was a beautiful city too. Reminded me a little of Dubrovnik with the skinny stone streets. Also reminded a little of Rhodes in Greece with the stone streets and all the little shops.

Overall a long, but good day. Tomorrow we will have our first full day in London. We are planning on hopping on a tour bus and taking a general city tour and then deciding what we want to see most.

So far it has been exciting and a fun trip. Too bad it isn't a little bit warmer!

1 comment:

babybuff said...

Glad you all are having fun. It's like 45 degrees here.