Tuesday, June 17, 2008

BPA free sippy cups

So we have recently tried out a Born Free sippy cup as well as the Foogo thermos cup in an effort to provide Keegan with BPA-free plastics to drink out of. Both of them were leaky and in general were not very functional spill-proof sippy cups.

I went online to look for some better options. Imagine my surprise when I was on diapers.com ordering diapers and found that many of the cheaper everyday sippy cups out there *are* BPA free but just aren't advertised as such. In fact many of the Gerber sippy cups, Sassy sippy cups, Nuby sippy cups, and Munchkin sippy cups are BPA free. These cups are much cheaper, more functional, and more readily available.

You can go onto diapers.com and search for BPA free. Or here is a comprehensive list:

Interesting to know. Might save parents some money if they knew that a 2 pack of Gerber cups for $4.99 was just as effective and BPA free as a $8.99 Born Free cup. Just drives home the fact that buyers need to beware.

As for the whole BPA free issue I am still unsure how important it really it. I mean if you make sippy cups and bottles out of a different plastic most likely these plastics will just leach different cmpds into the beverage. Who is to say if these leachables will be better or worse than BPA? Truth is we just don't know and won't have evidence of these plastics being completely safe for quite some time. So if you are buying new cups it probably doesn't hurt to make them BPA free, but should you trash all your current cups to replace then with BPA free cups. I guess I wouldn't.

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