Monday, May 17, 2010

Craziness ensues

My schedule this past month has been kind of like this:

Last week of April: Go out to plant for a run

Last weekend of April: Go camping - get the stomach flu

1st week of May: Sick with the flu

Mother's Day: Fly back out to the plant, still feeling sickly from the flu

2nd week of May (last week): At the plant doing another coating run

Wed. 2nd week of May: get home from plant, pack stuff for Keegan's last skating lesson, pack stuff for camping

Thurs. - Call in sick to work because now I have a cold - that I caught on the plane probably, take Keegan to his last skating lessons

Friday morning - Finish packing for camping. I promised Keegan before I left for the plant I would take him swimming. Pack up swimming stuff, go swimming. Get home, leave for camping.

Saturday Morning - Enjoy camping :-) Very happy that the weather is nice and no disasters ensue with the camper or hiking. Well, besides a plethora of wood ticks.

Sunday Morning - Go hiking, leave early because Keegan is being a real stinker. Get home, do wash from work trip and camping, Keegan down for nap. In the afternoon take our pontoon out...motor dies...get stuck in the middle of the lake. Lyle swims the pontoon back to the house (with us in it). Keegan is upset because he wants to take the boat to the beach. We drag the canoe down to the lake, Keegan has his first trip in the canoe (he sits still and manages not to tip us!). We go to the beach and have lots of fun :-) Mommy and Daddy are exhausted from all the hiking/canoing/unpacking/sand castle building etc. Go home and make dinner on the grill.

So there's been a lot of going places going on. As I stood last night staring at the kitchen/washroom I could only shake my head. The following bags are cluttering up the floor:
- Suitcase half unpacked
- Bag of skating stuff
- Bag of swimming stuff
- Sleeping bags
- Bags of camping stuff
- Bag of beach stuff

We are basically packed and ready to do anything and be anywhere. Too bad there hasn't been time to clean anything up. Today I am trying to be motivated to write-up a patent at work. All I can do is sit here exhausted and wish I was somewhere else. My exercise program of weightlifting alternating with cardio went out the window mid-April when all the traveling started. not good, considering spring is usually my good exercise time. My eating habits are screwed up from a crazy diet of packaged food and energy bars that I eat at the plant and camping delicacies that we eat on the road. I want nothing more than to have a couple weeks of normalcy and food that actually needs to be refridgerated.

Okay I am done bitching, back to work.


babybuff said...

Sounds like life is in full swing!

Karissa E said...

It always is...I try to remember that most of the time we are having a really good time!