Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Urgent Announcement ;-)

At least for Keegan...

He peed on the potty at daycare....TWICE yesterday!

He has been using the potty at home for the last month or so. In fact it's been weeks since I've had to change a poopie diaper; he always poops on the potty. He thinks it is yucky to have poopie in his diaper and I totally agree. We have a potty chart and he gets a sticker when he uses the potty; once he gets 7 stickers he gets a sucker. We told him if he used the potty at daycare he would get stickers when he got home.

Well no go there; so we instituted a new policy. If he used the potty at daycare he'd get a sucker. For weeks we reminded him and for weeks he responded "I only potty at home". I was getting concerned because he would actually wait to poop until he got home.

Then yesterday his teacher Miss Jen told him "Keegan remember if you use the potty you get a sucker." Well something clicked and he used the potty not once, but TWICE.

Of course first thing he does is run up and tell us that he used the potty and where is his sucker. Luckily we had a sucker in the car; so he got somewhat immediate gratification.

He was soooo proud of himself. He had to stop in each classroom on the way out and announce to all of the kids that he "Peed in the potty at daycare". He had to tell the director on his way out too. When we got in the car he wanted to tell Memaw, so we called my parents and he told them. Then when we got to swimming lessons he had to tell teacher Becky. She took it all in stride and exclaimed what a big boy thing he had done. His response: "I know. I'm getting bigger."

It is exciting that he will pee on the toilet somewhere other than home. Hopefully we can keep it up over the weekend while we are camping. I won't hold my breath because he is still young for potty training. I am hoping though this is the precursor to great things to come...like no diapers. He is actually interested in his "big boy" underpants now so we will see.

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