Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A bird in my ear...

Okay so it's been a long time since I've posted anything, of course that doesn't mean nothing has been going on...quite the opposite actually.

Christmas was crazy and getting ready for Christmas was crazy. Lyle's half-sister Amber visited the weekend before Christmas and we haven't seen her for 8 years or so. Then my sister came in a few days before Christmas and we hung out with her. Of course we had to go to Lyle's parents' house, my grandparents' house and then to my parents house. As much as we love our family we were relieved to spend some time at home with just me, Keegan, and Lyle on New Years Day.

Christmas used to be my favorite holiday, but it just getting to be too much work and not enough fun! I suppose it is kind of a kid's holiday so as long as Keegan is having fun all is good. Keegan got a billion toys. We finally opened the last of the toys this last weekend. I am losing my mind trying to figure out where to put them all. Keegan doesn't know what to play with, he has so much stuff. Of course his birthday is coming up in a month so...we have to figure this toy thing out.

The good thing about Christmas is that no one was sick!!! In fact no one was sick for 6-8 weeks from mid-Nov until now. Yesterday Keegan had a fever of 103oF. On Sunday and Monday he kept telling me owie ear. We had swimming lessons on Sunday so I thought maybe he had water in his ear. Then Monday night his fever started and I thought "uh oh, betcha' he's got an ear infection coming on".

While we were waiting for the doctor last night, I jokingly asked him if he "had a bird in his ear". There was a Dr. Seuss book we'd been reading where the guy can't hear cause there's a bird in his ear.

To my surprise Keegan said "Yes! I have a bird in this ear (his right ear) but not this ear (his left ear)." When the doctor came in Keegan pointed to his right ear and said "I have a bird in my ear." The doctor looked at me quizzically and I explained where he had got that from. Then the doctor said she was going to use her scope to see if he *did* have a bird in his ear. He was pretty agreeable to that. He told her again he had a bird in his right ear.

The doctor looked in his left ear and no infection...then she looked in his right ear and he has a horrible ear infection going on. She told Keegan "Wow buddy you were right you *do* have a bird in your right ear." So we ran to the pharmacy to get some antibiotics for Keegan.

He didn't want to take the medicine, so I told him it would help to get the bird out of his ear. Then he said "Okay, get that bird out." and took his meds.

Really there is a point to this rather funny story. I put him down for nap today and I heard him say "Mama, I scared." over the monitor. He said it a few times so I went downstairs. He was pointing at the window. There is a bush outside the window and the sun was reflecting the shadow of it onto his curtains the wind was making it blow back and forth. I said "Keegan it's just a bush." Keegan "No, mama it's a bird and it'll get in my ear." It kind of did look like a bird. So I opened the curtains and showed him the bush. He was okay with it then. He settled down for his napping crumbling about how, "The bird hurt his ear and he wants it out."

On a positive note we now know that when Keegan has an ear infection he'll have a bird in his ear; so that should help us figure out what is going on. On the other hand Keegan is now convinced that a bird is going to get into his ear and is convinced that anything that looks like a bird is a threat. Well, what can you do. At least he is napping now that the scary bird is gone. Hopefully he'll be better tomorrow so that mommy can go to work.

1 comment:

Sistertex said...

Funny...poor guy. When he was here with me all day yesterday he never once indicated his ear. I was thinking it was probably his throat, and I suppose his ear was making trouble with his throat as well. Gosh I sure hope he is feeling better soon. Interesting how he made all of those connections to try and let everyone know what was wrong. He is a smart little boy, I am proud to be his Memaw. :)