Saturday, October 11, 2008

Baby Loves Disco Profession Pics

The pictures done by the progfessional photographer at Baby Loves Disco are finally up. They can be seen at the following link:

You can find pics of Keegan on:
- Bottom of the 2nd page
- Top of the 3rd page
- Middle of the 4th page
- Top of the 8th page
- Middle of the 11th page

I would send a link to each one, but they are loaded into a flash application so I can't do that.

On a somewhat related note we went to the Barnyard Boogie last night. This was an event the City of Blaine put on for kids 5 and under. They had balloons, a petting zoo, snacks, a DJ, and a huge park nearby.

We forgot the camera and decided to not go back and get it because Keegan didn't dance much at Baby Loves Disco (BLD) so we figured it would be the same here. We were very wrong! AS soon as the music started Keegan abandoned the bunnies, chickens, and sheep and ran out to the dance floor to dance. He shook his groove thing like you wouldn't believe. He was out there pulling some dance moves that I have never seen the likes of before. It was hysterical. He had everyone in stitches. He keep the dancing up for a good hour or so, with quick breaks to refill his hands with snack. He was kind of the star of the event; which is saying something considering that I think it sold out with 75 kids there.

I really wish I had had the video camera. He was *so* funny. He was doing the twist, doing some side-stepping, a little funky chicken, maybe some electric slide, and an occasional break dancing move. I wish I could better describe the hilarity of it; I haven't laughed so hard so a long time :-) Much to our dismay he really got into the country songs...then when some electronica came on he decided it was time to go swinging. I guess he doesn't get to here much (any) country at home so...

Anyway, Lyle and Keegan are napping. So I have some stuff to get done. Hopefully we will have a fun weekend!

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