Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Keegan speaks his first words...

At least I think you could call them words. Keegan has been doing "da da da" for a while. Just this weekend he's started saying "ma, ma, ma".

He has also started repeating syllables but not the noises. So he tries to say "bye, bye", although it comes out more like "baa, baa".

This morning he saw Jubei and pointed at him saying "ki, ki" which I think was a reasonable attempt at kitty. He then turned around and pointed at Ruby saying "dag, da" which could have been an attempt at doggie. It's always hard to tell but I think the little guy is really trying to give this talking thing a go.

We have still been trying to do sign language with him. Keegan has the sign for milk down really well. He seems to use the sign for milk when he wants something...not necessarily milk. He is pretty good with "all done" too. If you tell Keegan "No" for something (for example when he is trying to stick his foot in the dog's water bowl) he will look at you and smile and shake his head "no".

Although I can tell Keegan gets frustrated sometimes when he wants to do something and we just don't get it. Sometimes it takes quite a few tries before we can figure out what he wants. Keegan has definitely been exerting his will. He knows what he wants to do and throws a fit sometimes if he doesn't get to do it. It is interesting to watch him develop this strong, confident, sense of self. At the same time it gets frustrating when I am carrying him through a department store screaming (Keegan not me) because Keegan wanted to stand under the display table with purses on it all day and I wouldn't let him.

Quick note on Christmas...Christmas was fun and very busy. Keegan got a ton of presents and he also had a great time meeting all the "new" people. We'd like to thank everyone for the great presents and the wonderful company we had over Christmas!

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