Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Uh Oh...Baby on the Move and an Eye Test

So this Saturday we played Dungeons and Dragons over at Julie and Tony's. Michelle and Aaron brought Corinne along of course. Keegan and Corinne had a pretty good time playing together. I noticed that Keegan was on his hands and knees, very avidly watching Corinne (who is a couple month older than him) crawl around. Keegan has been able to crawl a little bit but always seemed to prefer pulling himself up and trying to walk. Well something clicked in Keegan's head on Saturday because on Sunday he started crawling everywhere. Let me tell you he can crawl fast.

This morning I left him walking along the couch in our sunroom while I ran into the bathroom to grab my badge for work. Well when I came back out he was under the kitchen table booking over to the kitchen area. I was like, hey, how did you get all the way over here? He's really cute when he crawls because for some reason he feels like he needs to lift his hands *way* up in the air as he crawls. Looks like he is taking giant baby arm steps or something.

Keegan and I did something interesting yesterday. Keegan's doctor recommended that we take him to Blaine Eye Center for a free eye exam. Blaine Eye Center does free eye exams for babies less than one year in age. Part of me was curious about how you do an eye exam with a baby. So yesterday Keegan and I stopped in for his eye appointment. I brought him in his stroller since at the last doctor's appt I struggled with juggling Keegan, my purse, and the paperwork. Of course since I brought the stroller in he didn't want to sit in it. So I ended up carrying Keegan, my purse, the umbrella stroller, and paperwork around. Besides that everyone there was really nice.

The eye doctor came in and measured Keegan's eyesight by holding up two paddles in front of him. One of the paddles was painted a rather boring gray, the other was painted with thick black and white strips. The doctor explained to me that Keegan should always look at the one with the strips. The doctor repeated this with the paddle on opposite sides and then went to another paddle that also had black and white strips; but the strips on this paddle were much smaller. So you begin to get the picture. The doctor repeated this test with paddles with smaller and smaller strips on them until Keegan didn't show a preference between the grey paddle and the paddle with really small strips on it. Keegan did pretty good; he got down to the second to last smallest strips. This translates into 20/60 vision; which is about where he should be for his age. Apparently kids don't have 20/20 vision until around 2 yrs old. So I guess it's something to keep in mind. I hope that he can see Mount Rushmore okay when we go there!

For the next test they needed to dilate Keegan's eyes. I was a bit reluctant to have them do this because I don't really like my eyes dilated. The doctor and nurse both assured me separately that the babies don't really mind it; they seem to take it in stride. So I finally agreed. They dilated his eyes with a spray that they sprayed at his face. Keegan was startled but thought it was kind of funny to get sprayed in the face; that's my boy, taking everything in stride. Then the doctor said we had to wait 30 minutes for his eyes to dilate. Oh, crap, I forgot about that part. Luckily I had brought a bottle in for Keegan and he was hungry. So we ate for 15 minutes and then explored the room. I tell you that kid has a knack for finding everything he shouldn't get into. Keegan found wires he shouldn't pull and rolling chairs that I wouldn't let him play with. I finally relented and gave him my sunglasses and cell phone. Two things he never gets to play with and, as such, they are his favorite toys. I still can't see through all of the fingerprints on my sunglasses.

Finally they came to get us; me and "big-eyes" Keegan when back into the exam room. The doctor looking at Keegan's optic nerves and other parts of Keegan's eyes. He said everything looked normal. Keegan helped as he normally does. He tried to grab the eye scope and eat it. He tried to pull the doctor's hair; you know all the normal Keegan stuff. Anyway it was nice to know Keegan is "normal". I guess a lot of eye things (like lazy eye) can be corrected very easily on babies but are much harder to correct on older children; so it's not a bad idea to take the baby in for an eye exam. Now he is good to go until he is 3. Anyway, it was very interesting and Keegan did pretty good with the whole thing.

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