Thursday, October 25, 2007

At the Plant Again

So after spending a week at home after our South Dakota trip I got to leave on a trip for work on Tuesday. I am back out in Oregon at the plant again.

Things are just as slow and frustrating as ever. On my 12 hour shift yesterday we had the coating web break (2 hrs downtime), unwrap table break (2 hrs downtime), an accumulater break (1 hr downtime). In the 12 hrs I was here we got three coatings done; our goal was to do one coating an hour. Then when I came back in 12 hrs later they had made wonderful progress and we were back on schedule. That is until the RTO broke; I have no idea what the RTO does, only that we've been waiting 3 hrs for it to be fixed.

I am on a strange shift this time, noon - midnight. Better than doing the night shift but a weird one. I get confused about what day it is and I am not sure when I am eating lunch, dinner, or breakfast. I will be here until midnight tonight and then I will catch the 5am flight back to Minneapolis tomorrow morning. Somehow this flight doesn't get into Minneapolis until 2pm. It's going to be a long 24 hrs.

All that being said, Keegan has been changing so fast that it is hard to be away from him and Lyle. In the three days I have been gone Keegan has said "bye bye" (although it was hard to hear bcs he had his nook in his mouth) and he has also learned how to give high 5's. Keegan is learning hand gestures very quickly now. He knows how to wave bye bye and will wave bye bye when ever you say bye bye to him. He also knows how to clap and now, how to give high 5's.

It sucks to miss all of these little things but I try to remember that being away from Keegan and Lyle always let's me appreciate being back with them even more. Still, it sucks. Especially since we have been on so many vacations lately and now our Halloween party is coming up. It just seems like I haven't been home at all lately and there is so much to do.

Anyway, I suppose I should get back to waiting. Supposidly the coater should be up in another hour or so. If I am lucky Brian will decide to come in a bit early and I can leave around 11pm and get a few hrs of sleep before catching my plane home.

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