The other night we were drinking apple cider from the orchard with dinner. Keegan asked, "Can I have some more apple spiders, please?"
On Friday I was doing laundry and Keegan laid on the floor and started screaming "Help me mommy, help me!" I ran out and was like, what's wrong. Keegan said, "I am a fishy and I got stuck in the mud." So I un-stuck him from the mud, but then he said I was stuck. We unstuck ourselves from the mud (Living room floor) for quite a while.
Then there is the big bad wolf. I was informed one night last week that I was a "big bad mommy wolf", Keegan was "a little piggy", and daddy was a "daddy piggy". I ran around chasing the piggies and growling on them. Then the "little piggy" lead the "Daddy piggy" to the couch. Of course the big bad wolf followed them, the piggies jumped on the couch. Keegan informed me that the couch was a brick house and that I would never be able to huff and puff and blow it down. We did this running and hiding act for an hour or so.
Then last Friday I was getting sick of hockey. Keegan and I had played hockey forever. I tried to get him to draw some on his Magnadoodle, he got it out and then told me the Magnadoodle was an ice rink and the magnets were a Zamboni. I was like "seriously Keegan, does everything have to be about hockey?" So he stopped playing with that and stared at me. Then he got up, got the blanket off the couch, got a flashlight and handed them to me. He then drug over his tub of duplos. I was like "okaayyy." He looked at me like I was stupid, turned on the flashlight, put the blanket over our heads, and opened the duplos. Then said "Mommy wants different, let's build towers in the dark." Okay, that was totally different. I have never before in my life built duplo towers under a blanket in the middle of the day by flashlight...
Then there was the lengthy conversation we had with the cart boy outside of Menards. I have recounted it below.
Keegan to cartboy: It's raining
Cartboy: It sure is buddy.
Keegan: It will snow soon.
Karissa: Only when it gets colder
Cartboy: Do you like snow?
Keegan: Yes, I like Halloween and Christmas too
Cartboy: You aren't shy are you?
Keegan: (Speechless)
Karissa: No he's not shy. You have a good day.
Cartboy: You too.
(We start to walk away, Keegan stops.)
Keegan: You know guy, I like candy too.
Cartboy: Oh, well Halloween and Christmas have candy.
Keegan: Yep, and I really like candy canes.
Cartboy: Me too.
Keegan: Yep, they're good.
Karissa: Okay, well you have a nice day.
Cartboy: Yep
This whole conversation took place standing in the rain, in the middle of the sidewalk. No, Keegan is not shy. Yes, he loves it when people talk back to him. Yes, I get stuck in strange conversation with strange people all the time now. It is okay, it is actually fun. No one thinks Keegan is strange he is just too darn cute :-)
The last odd thing I will talk about it Bunny. Bunny is one of Keegan's favorite stuffed animals. Bunny is a Plaja Pet, one of the stuffed animals where the tail and head come off and can be interchanged with other Plaja pets. Imagine Keegan's teachers' surprise when Bunny's head fell off during naptime. Keegan also brought Bunny grocery shopping. It was hilarious. Keegan had to explain to Bunny where everything was. He showed Bunny where the eggs were. Then told me we had to go by the pizza. I was like "we don't need pizza". Keegan was like, "Yes, but bunny needs to know where it is." So around Super Target we went, leaving numerous people laughing behind us, as Keegan explained the location of all food items to Bunny in meticulous detail. To add to the hilarity, occasionally Bunny's head would fall off...startling some poor person. To get the full affect Bunny has on people I have attached a picture below. Bunny looks like he is on crack full time, so when his head falls off it is very, very strange.

That's it for now. I am sure I have forgotten a million other funny stories. But there's a sampling for you.
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