On Sunday we carved Keegan's pumpkin. Lyle cut the top off and I cleaned it out. Keegan helped with the design by letting me know what shape eyes, nose, and mouth he wanted. Then I started carving the pumpkin, Keegan had a safety knife and pretended to help cut it while I carved in the faces. Lyle had to finish carving it because my arm got tired, it was a really thick pumpkin.
Then we put a candle in it and turned off the lights. There was a lot of "oohhing" and "Awwwing" from Keegan. He really enjoyed seeing the pumpkin lite up. We left it sitting on the coffee table.
When Keegan got home from daycare on Monday he ran up and gave his pumpkin a big hug and a kiss. Not sure why, but it was pretty funny. Then he said, "Mama, fire, pumpkin" He wanted me to light the pumpkin. So I lit it for him. It was really cute, he kept trying to blow out the candle. Unfortunately he would line his eyes up to the pumpkins eyes and then when he went to blow out the candle he didn't blow inside the pumpkin but into the side of the pumpkin's outside. A couple times he backed up from the pumpkin and waved at it saying "Hi". He was a bit disappointed when the pumpkin didn't respond.
All in all it was a good time. Although I am a little worried about what will happen when we have to throw out the pumpkin because Kee seems to think the pumpkin is a good buddy of his now. See below video and picture for the interaction and the finished product!
We also got a small pumpkin that Keegan could carry. That pumpkin has been getting rides in Keegan's dump truck, he thinks it is the coolest thing ever. What can we learn from this? Well, the love a toddler has for his jack-o-latern is boundless and knows no bounds, even if the jack-o-latern doesn't wave back :-)
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