Sunday, November 08, 2009

On the road

Okay so I am out in good ole' Medford, OR again on a trip for work. We are coating at the pilot plant for the new product I am working on. Not a bad trip; only 2 days at the plant. Unfortunately it takes almost a whole day of travel to get out here. I started driving to the airport at 9am our time and got to the hotel at 6:00pm there time.

Now, I find myself in a rather strange situation. I have nothing to do. I have my computer, everything in Medford closes around 6pm on a Sunday, and I read two books on the plane on the way over for once I am a bit burnt out on the reading thing.

So, then why not update our blog that has been sorely neglected this last year.

My trip out was good. Travel went well, no delays. I got a nice car, I got decent seats on the plane..I didn't have to sit next to anyone who stank, oozed outside of their seat, or babbled the whole screaming children or kids kicking my seat. So I really can't complain.

I don't know how many of you have been to small airports before. Medford has two terminals for prop planes. You get in and there is one baggage claim, five feet from that is the car rental. Not too tough to get around; not all that interesting either. But, I can get off my plane and be to the hotel in 15 it beats the Minneapolis airport from that aspect.

Tomorrow will be the true test as I am the only engineer sent out for this run; at least we are only scheduled for 10-12 hour no 16 hour days I am hoping.

Anyway, back to family. Keegan got his stitches out and did wonderful. A little over a week later and he has a small read line with a little slight scabbing on one side. I can't believe how fast that kid heals.

We did family pictures on Sunday and they turned out really well. We told Keegan he was getting his picture taken like a Rock Star. He was a bit shy at first, then he started really hamming it up for the photographer. She got a real kick out of him :-)

The Daddy, daddy, daddy thing has switched track. This week it was mommy, mommy, mommy. Suddenly I wondered why I was worried about Keegan preferring daddy. I also wondered why I didn't appreciate the stage more while it lasted, because now I am on mommy, mommy, mommy duty way more ;-) Seriously though it makes me feel good he wants me again. Of course, he made this switch just in time for me to go out of town.

I hope he doesn't get too upset, we explained it to him and he seemed cool with it. I promised to bring him a toy; which I went to Toys R Us and acquired when I got here.

What else...I, at least, am preparing for Xmas shopping. This takes a lot of mental preparedness to spend all that money and figure out who is getting what. I took Keegan to the toy store on Friday and have since concluded that he really wants everything for Christmas.

Christmas with an almost three year old is much cooler than Christmas with a almost 2 year old. The toys are awesome! I want to get him all of them so that I can play too. The next big age jump is 5-6 years...then we can start in on those cool Lego sets and the K'nex!

Keegan continues to make us laugh and come up with funny things. He is such a goofball. When I tell him that he says "No mommy, you're a goofball." and I say "No you're a goofball." We argue back and forth until Lyle says "You are BOTH goofballs!"

Anyway, I am sure they will do fine without me. But I will be happy to go back home. The silence is novel, but the novelty wears off quickly. I hoping to hit the Medford Macy's and use my $10 gift card while I am here. Other than that I am hoping things go decently. Maybe for once progress at the plant will go faster than molasses and we will get done early...okay I hear people laughing from won't happen but you never know.

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