Thursday, April 09, 2009

Enter the Imaginary Owl

Keegan has quite the imagination. Yesterday we were at the park and he decided he wanted to go hiking. So we "hiked" to the picnic gazebo by the park. Keegan climbed up onto the picnic table bench and sat down. He started dipping his hand toward the table and pretending to eat. He said "Mama, I am eating chicken nuggets with ketchup."

Then Lyle sat down at the table across from us and pretending that he was eating chicken nuggets too. Keegan looked at me and said, "Mama, my ketchup is all gone...I'll go get some from daddy." So he got down, ran over, and stole Lyle's imaginary ketchup. Then he came back down and proceeded to eat more chicken nuggets with ketchup. Suddenly he stopped eating and looked at me "Mama, Ruby wants chicken nuggets too." How he knew this I will never know, since Ruby was at home sleeping on her dog bed. "Here Ruby!" Keegan said as he leaned over to hand imaginary Ruby, imaginary chicken nuggets. Then he sat up and giggled, clasping his hands to his chest, "Mama, Ruby like them!"

Such scenes play out quite frequently in our house and when we are out and about. We never discourage his fertile imagination and try to play along as best we can. Normally I am glad that he is so creative and has so much fun. There is one thing that is becoming kind of concerning.

Enter the Owl. The Owl appeared during dinner the first time a couple weeks ago. Keegan said "Mama, Dada, look there's an owl!" We looked and of course there was no Owl in the living room. I said "Where is the Owl?" Keegan pointed to the living room, "Mama it's right there and it says Whoo, whoo, whoo" Okay not a big deal, we talked about his owl and what color it was etc.

Then the owl kept appearing in the living room during dinner; it is an owl only Keegan can see. we have an imaginary owl in the living room. Well then it started following Keegan around.

The Owl now sleeps by the end of his bed and it follows us to the park and sits in the tree and watches Keegan while we play. The Owl is everywhere. Last night we asked him if the Owl had a name...we think he said it is "Hank" but we couldn't really understand him all that well.

So apparently Keegan has an imaginary owl named Hank. As if the three cats and dog aren't enough; we need an owl. I am not sure if I should be amused or dismayed but all-in-all I think it's pretty darn funny :-)

1 comment:

Sistertex said...

Whoa.....Hank.... remember the cardinal I rescued during the winter, Bampa called it 'Hank' so now we call him 'Hank'. Connection???
Also, don't forget about 'Garfield' as in 'Now I have TWO Garfield's'. Garfield was a good friend of yours who was everywhere with you for a while. Really not so disconcerting at all, a very normal thing. No sweat, just shows how intelligent he is.