Friday, March 06, 2009

Home Again...Toddler Speak

Here we are at home again. Going back to work was actually relaxing after chasing Keegan around for a week in San Diego. The trip back was fine. Keegan didn't sleep at all on the plane and I had a bad cold so the flight back was unpleasant for me. I couldn't read to Keegan because I had lost my voice with the cold, so Lyle read to him for about 2 hours. Poor Lyle, Keegan was good though.

Then it was back to work on Monday. It was an interesting week where both of our jobs were concerned. Kind of an up and down week. I found out that oddly enough we are getting a decent bonus this year; our division meet 149% of their goals so we get 6% or something in that realm. Then after that I found out they want me out at the plant the last week in March. So that kind of sucks. It is bad timing because my parents will be out of town and we are taking care of their cats. So now Lyle will be stuck with Keegan and my parents' kitties. He says he's not worried about it but then he is never worried about anything.

Then we got our taxes back from the accountant. Our business took a loss this year (just because of how things worked out over the year). This ended up meaning that we are getting a very large refund. That is super nice because last year (first year with the business) we screwed up and had to pay in $3000 for personal taxes. We were expecting to have to pay in this year but things worked out in such a way that we get a nice refund. I know I shouldn't be excited about a refund because that means the government has had our money all year; but it's still better than paying in.

Then we got bad news...looks like Lyle's work is forcing rate cuts on all of their consultants so that means that Lyle (hence our company, hence us) will be making less. There is even a rumor that the company might not accept the rate cuts and just get rid of all their contractors. So that is worrying. He's had a couple calls from people looking for consultants to become employees so he is looking into that. His current company is not sure of how fast they will act with layoffs or rate cuts. So, well, we will just try to be prepared. Hopefully it will all work out.

All the work junk aside...Keegan has been doing some pretty funny I thought I would talk about that. He comes up with the craziest things.

In the car last night he started saying "yum, yum, yum." I said "Keegan what are you eating?" He replied, "Mama, I eat the car." I replied "Oh, well how does the car taste?" He said "It tastes like lemons!."

As if this wasn't strange enough the conversation continued to get stranger. Keegan said, "Mama, now I eat Memaw (what he calls gma)." I said "Oh, I bet memaw doesn't like that...what does memaw taste like?" His reply, "Like doggies." I wasn't sure how to respond to that so I asked "Have you eaten doggies before?" Keegan replied "Yep, they're yucky." Ummm...good to know...where does he come up with this stuff?

Then while we were at the bookstore yesterday looking for a book on Ireland. Keegan was standing by Lyle, he proceeded to take off running towards me and screamed as loud as he could: "Mama, I made poopie, I made poopie!" It was wonderful, as if the smell wasn't bad enough he had to announce to the whole block that he had made poopie! He was sooooo proud of himself.

Last quick story. Today while I was folding the laundry, Keegan went into his playroom. All of the sudden I heard a blood-curdling scream followed by Keegan whimpering "Owie, owie, owie". I dropped what I was folding and raced into the playroom thinking he had really hurt himself somehow. When I entered the room he looked up and laughed. He had his plastic hack-saw from his Black and Decker workbench and was pretending to saw his leg off. He screamed again and said "Mama, owie, I cut off my leg." my heart settled down to a normal pace again, I tried to be thankful he had such a fertile imagination. He quickly got bored with the play saw and then got his battery powered jigsaw. He ran over and held Seras (our three legged kitty) down, for some reason she was very tolerant of him today, and proceeded to run the jigsaw up her back. He looked at me all proud of himself and said "I give Seras a haircut." Suddenly I am thinking he does not have a future as a stylist, not if he uses a jigsaw to do it...

Ah, well enough of the Keegan stories. Hope everyone is doing well. Keep your fingers crossed that Lyle is still employed in a month...

1 comment:

Sistertex said...

Meemaw tastes like dogs, dogs=yucky. Car=Lemons
Hummm, lovely the car tastes better than Meemaw. If he startes eating Meemaw tell him to start at the waistline.

Jig saw...only a short hop from there to Chain mask. Kiddos you could have another Jason on our hands here - therapy might be in line. ;)