Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Night on the Town

My dismal week last week was finally broken after I wrote that last blog. When I got home Lyle has already cooked dinner and Keegan was peacefully sleeping. My shoulder miraculously stopped hurting the next morning, and everything in general seemed much better.

So, the movie, The Golden Compass came out in theaters last Friday. I thought it would be fun to make an effort to go and see this movie some time the coming week. We talked to my parents and my mom agreed to keep Keegan through Tuesday afternoon into Tuesday night so that Lyle and I could go and watch a movie.

Lyle and I left work a bit early and met at home. We looked up movie times and then jumped in the car in an attempt to catch a 4:15pm movie. When we got to the theater we found out that between 4pm - 6pm the Carmike theater in Mounds View has their bargain matinée. Tickets were only $5 a piece and, if you brought your own bucket, you could get it filled with popcorn for only 50 cents. Who knew there was so much benefit to going to a movie at 4:15pm on a Tuesday night?

The movie was excellent and afterwards we discussed where to go and eat dinner. Neither of us were all that hungry. We decided to stop by a Caribou. After getting some drinks and pastries we went over to pick up Keegan. We picked him up a little before 8pm and he was sleeping. He went back to sleep easily when we got home. All in all it was a very nice afternoon/night out. Lyle and I are very grateful that my parents could watch Keegan so that we could have an adult afternoon out together. Although I did miss seeing and playing with Keegan a little bit.

As for Keegan...on Sunday we played Dungeons and Dragons. Aaron and Michelle brought Corinne along. We gave Corinne her bday present and Corinne and Keegan trucked around after each other for a bit. This always ends up being very significant for Keegan, he studies Corinne very intently. In the last month or so Corinne has become a very proficient walker. Keegan has been able to precariously toddle across the distance of maybe half a room. He seems to get a bit nervous and then he falls down. Well that all changed on Monday.

After spending a couple hours observing Corinne he figured it all out! At daycare on Monday his teachers exclaimed that he was walking everywhere. Monday night we got to observe this as Keegan quickly walked across the room. He now walks very rapidly, usually between things that he can grab onto. He also is getting better at bending over and picking things up off the floor while walking and not falling over.

Late last week we found out that Keegan had picked up the sign for milk. We don't think he knows what it means yet but he can do that sign very well. So there's your update (disjointed as it is) and an assurance that this week is better than the last.

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