Enough about being sick. Thanksgiving itself was actually a bit milder than usual this year.We only had one set of grandparents to visit, since Lyle's parents are in Australia on vacation right now. So we messed around the house in the morning. Not much to do outside of home on Thanksgiving Day. We made cookies, watched "Franklin and the Green Knight", slew dragons, did puzzles, played Hungry Hippos, and many other things...all before lunch. Then we had a light snack and Keegan (and I) took naps. Then it was over to my parents' house for Thanksgiving dinner.
My mom did a great job making dinner, my dad fried the turkey in his fryer outside. It was super yummy. We all enjoyed it a lot. Although I don't think I ever expressed much enjoyment because I felt pretty crappy. Then we went bowling; something that is becoming a family tradition for us. Had a pretty good time doing that and then back to my parents' house for pumpkin pie. By then I was absolutely wiped out and it was time for Keegan to go to bed, so we went home.
Friday was another crazy day. Keegan woke up really early. So we made some muffins and then went to Super Target...because we could I guess. It opened at 5:30am so it was novel to be there by 7am or so. We bought a lot of junk we didn't need and some we did. Then met up with my parents again around 8:30am to go downtown to the Macy's Christmas Display. I had read it was going to be something with Mary Poppins but it ended up being the same thing as last year. Which was okay because Keegan didn't know any better. Below are some pictures of the display, a picture of me and Keegan (I look a bit, well, out of it) and Lyle and Keegan.
Then we went and got pictures taken with Santa Claus. Keegan was super about Santa, although he got a little shy. You should know he did manage to blurt out that he really wanted a "lawnmower" and a "Ride-on excavator". He has been talking about those two things forever. So Santa is well aware of his needs :-) Below are some pics of him and the big guy in the red suit.
Then we went out to the Crystal Court and hung out a bit. Keegan finished his huge green frosted cookie and we watched some guy doing work on the ceiling of the glass tower. Then Keegan drove his King car that grandma got him around the fountain for a while. Then is was time for phase 2 of the day...which involved eating.
We went to PF Chang's in Maple Grove. This has also become a tradition because it is on the way up to Albertville Mall. We ate...it was good. We left. Well not before mom and I hit Francesca's Boutique and scored some lovely necklaces. Suddenly with the prospect of shopping ahead of me, I started to feel less sickly and crappy..it could have been all the napping in the car too.
Then we drove to Albertville, phase 3. There is now a Charlotte Russes Outlet store there. I almost died of excitement. I scored a cute dress, some awesome cable knit leggings, and a flouncy little skirt. My next big score was at the Gap Outlet store. Me and the Gap Outlet always get along very well...too well. I ended up with a great pair of grey skinny jeans, some lovely straight legged trouser jeans, a pull over sweater, a ruffly sweater, and a plaid ruffle dress shirt. Yeah, I spent a lot. But I had so much fun. I keep telling myself I don't need more clothes...but it is kind of a hobby for me. I wish I could rent cloths sometimes...
Then we went to Axel's Bonfire for dinner. They now have a Gluten Free menu, so yeah for my mom! It was yummy. Then back to their house for more pumpkin pie. Kee went off to bed and we played Five Crowns with my parents.
Then Saturday was putting up the tree day! We did that in the morning and ran some errands. Then nap time. Then we met my parents at the Mall of America. For two reasons. One so I could use my $15 gift certificate to Express (I know like I need more cloths); two so we could use up the ride pass we bought last week. Keegan got to do a few more rides in the park and was very happy. Then dinner at Chevy's. Back home, Keegan to bed, and Lyle and I played "Borderlands" on the PS3. I *finally* got a gun that lights people on fire...it is awesome! Of course Lyle is in sniper heaven the whole time. Then to bed.
Sunday was the least eventful. We ran lots of errands. Went to Whole Foods, went to Best Buy, went to Super Target...mostly finishing up the last of our Christmas shopping. Then Keegan napped and Lyle and I wrapped presents. I also had a lot of blogging on my book blog to catch up on. Then Keegan woke up. We played for a bit. Lyle was a dragon and Keegan and I fought him *again*. Keegan's rocker was a boat and it crashed like 5 times. Soon it was time for dinner. We went to IHOP because I really wanted their gingerbread pancakes and I am sick so what I want matters. After that off to Pet Smart to get kitty litter, drove around some and looked at Christmas lights; there are a ton of lights in our neighborhood. Keegan went to bed, I worked on the 2010 family calendar, Lyle left for hockey, I finished the calendar, I read "Kin" a graphic novel by Holly Black, and then sat down to summarize the weekend for all you folks.
On a side note, I am thinking of participating in some reading challenges for 2010. We will see, I think I will keep it to 3 or 4 reading challenges since I am new to them. So keep an eye on my book blog and they will show up there.
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